Chapter Six: Kidnapped by Kylo Ren

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You are running in the forest of Takodana away from the First Order ships. All of a sudden, you hear a lightsaber humming. Your heart beats quickly. Then a hooded figure appeared with a terrifying mask. You yelped in fright. You cocked your blaster and shot. He repelled the blasterfire with his red cross-bladed lightsaber. He used the Force trying to read your mind. He was trying to retrieve the map of Luke Skywalker. ''The map. You've seen it.'' He said in a deep mechanical voice. A stormtrooper appeared. ''Sir, we need more troops.'' ''Pull the division out. Forget about the droid. We have what we need.'' 

And that's the last thing you heard since you have blacked out. He placed his hand across your forehead, and used the Force to put you to sleep. He carried you bridal style to his shuttle ship. 

Later at the First Order base.... You woke up to something shocking your head. You realized that you were strapped in what looked like an execution chair. You were suddenly frightened. ''Where am I? Where are they?'' You asked him angrily. ''You mean the murderers, traitors and theives that you call friends? Well you may be relieved that I have no idea. You still want to kill me?'' ''That happens when you are being hunted by a creature in a mask.'' You told him truthfully. 

He seemed offended by this, so he removed his mask. *mask hissing* Your breath hitched as you were surprised at what you are seeing right now. He has beautiful raven hair in lucious locks, it framed his face perfectly, he has the most beautiful golden brown eyes, he has so many beauty marks that you could spend hours counting, and then he has the fullest plush pink lips.... You wonder what they'd feel like on yours. You blushed slightly remembering that he can read your mind. What if he finds out you love him? He reached out through the Force. 

''You're so lonley. So afraid to leave. At night, desperate to sleep. You imagine an ocean. I see it. I see the island. And Han Solo. You act like he's the father you never had. He would have dissapointed you.'' ''Get out of my head!'' You command him. He lets go immeadiately. His eyes soften looking at you. ''I'm sorry. I didn't know you hated this.'' He said sadly. ''Oh, Kylo. It's alright.'' You can suddenly read his mind too. 

(Your POV): He's so alone! His parents barely took care of him as a child! He used to be a Jedi, but he turned. He was seduced by the Dark Side! You tear up slightly feeling for him. He's alone. Just like you. It feels like your meant for each other. ''Rey, do you love me?'' Kylo asks you. ''Yes, Ben. I love you. I love you so much. You poor soul. You need a lover. Will you be my lover?'' ''Yes I will, Rey. I'm being torn apart. I need to let go of the Dark Side and embrace the Light. Will you help me?'' He asked pleadingly with tears in his eyes. ''Yes I will, Ben. Don't worry. You'll soon be Ben Solo.'' 

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