Chapter Sixty: The History of the Sith

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The next day..... ''Alright, Sithlings! It's time for a little history lesson. Today, we'll be learning about the great Sith Lord Darth Vader. You will learn a brief overview of his life and death. Let's begin.'' Kylo got out the projecter and showed the Sithlings the first slide of Tatooine. ''So Darth Vader also known as Anakin Skywalker, was born on Tatooine. He never had a father but his mother was Shmi Skywalker. When Anakin was a little boy, he was studying to become a Jedi, but when he was an adult he discovered that his wife Padme, was going to die in childbirth. So, Anakin headed to the Emperor to tell him about his dream. The Emperor said that if he joined him, then he would be able to save the woman he loved. So Anakin joined the Emperor and he gave Anakin a new name: Darth Vader. His Master was the Emperor. ''

''So Padme was heavily pregnant and gave birth to the twins Luke and Leia Skywalker. Luke became a Jedi and Leia married Han Solo. Later on, Luke went to the Emperor to try to save his father. The Emperor tried to turn Luke but he refused. With anger, the Emperor nearly killed Luke and Darth Vader wouldn't let him kill his own son. After that, Darth Vader threw the Emperor down the chasm killing him. He said that he would wish to see his son with his own eyes. So Luke regretfully helped his father removing the mask knowing that it would kill him. He said: ''Tell your sister you were right.'' And then he died. So there is the tragic story of Darth Vader.'' Kylo said finishing the history of Darth Vader. 

''That's sad. So he redeemed himself?'' A young boy asked. ''Yes, Han Solo and Leia had a son named Ben. Ben also had powers in the Force and studied to become a Jedi.'' ''Ben kind of looks like you.'' A little girl said truthfully. ''Yeah, kind of.'' Kylo was thankful that it was just a picture of him as a baby, maybe they won't actually find out. ''Is there more of a story to Ben?'' A Sithling asked. ''Yes Luke, Ben's uncle trained him but soon Ben turned to the Dark Side. He hasn't come to the Light since.'' ''What brought him to the Dark Side?'' They all asked. ''Snoke turned him to the Dark Side but he died recently. Snoke gave Ben a new name: Kylo Ren.'' Kylo gulped as he realized that he just let that spill out of his mouth. You looked at him in shock as you realized what he said too. 

''So you're Darth Vader's grandson? That's so cool!'' They all exclaimed happily. ''Really? Yeah, I guess so.'' Kylo said nervously. ''Wow!'' The Sithlings left the room and Kylo let out a sigh of relief. ''Whew. I thought they would act terribly. But no, they just thought that it was cool. Thank the Maker.'' You smiled at Kylo. ''See, Kylo? I told you that it would be alright. See, they are just innocent little Sithlings and they wouldn't attack you because you have Skywalker blood. Kylo, some things are stronger than blood. Like love, love is so much stronger than anything else in the world. And they love you, Kylo. They really do. They don't care about your bloodline. They care about your heart.'' You told him truthfully. 

''Wow, Rey. You're so right. I never thought about it that way. I don't know what I'd do without you.  I love you so much, Rey.'' ''Me too, Kylo.'' You both shared a passionate kiss. You're so glad that you have a perfect soulmate and lover like Kylo Ren. 


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