Chapter Seventy-Four: Beautiful Twins

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5 months later.... You are now 5 months pregnant with the twins. Today you will be going to the doctor's office with Paterson to check if everything is alright and maybe even find out the gender of the twins as well. 


You and Paterson have just finished your breakfast and are about to drive to the doctor's office. ''You ready, honey?'' Paterson asked you as he opened the front door. ''Yes, darling.'' You told him smiling. Paterson now works for the Japanese poet that he met and is getting his poems published in the United States and all across Japan. It is a much higher paying wage then when Paterson was a bus driver. Paterson is earning so much more money now that you might get a bigger home to raise your family in. 

At the doctor's office.... Paterson parked in the parking lot and you got out of the car and headed to the doctor's office. You entered the office for your appointment. You sat in the waiting room for about 10 minutes until the nurse called: ''Paterson and Laura.'' You and Paterson got up and walked to where the nurse was. She closed the door and lead you to an empty room. You sat down on the check-up chair. ''So how far are you along?'' The nurse asked you. ''About 5 months.'' You told her. ''Alright, then. You both already know that you're having twins, right?'' She asked you and Paterson curiously. ''Yes. We were wondering if we could do another sonogram to find out the genders of our children.'' Paterson asked the nurse. ''Sure, let me get the doctor for that.'' The nurse said exiting the room. 

You smiled at your love. ''I'm so happy for us. I can't wait to find out if they're going to be boys, girls, or one of each. How about you, what genders would you want our twins to be?'' You asked him curiously. ''I'm happy regardless but it would be nice to have one of each gender. What about you?'' ''Me too.'' You told him with a warm smile. Paterson rubbed your round belly with the twins. The doctor came into the room with the sonogram machine. ''Hello, Paterson and Laura. How are you today?'' He asked. ''Good.'' ''Great.'' The doctor said as he plugged the machine in. He put some gel on your stomach that was frigid cold you shivered a bit. 

''Sorry, I forgot to warn you.'' The doctor told you truthfully. ''That's okay.'' The doctor put the tool on your stomach and turned on the sonogram. ''So these are your twins. So you said you wanted to know the genders?'' ''Yes.'' You and Paterson both said in unison. ''Alright. Well first, let me tell you that they both look very well and healthy. You'll be expecting in about 2 months from now I think. It is definetely normal since you have two in your womb they grow faster.'' The doctor told you smiling. ''Well, that's great news. So what are the genders?'' You asked him excitedely. ''Oh yes!'' The doctor smiled as he looked at the sonogram and pointed at the first child. ''Congratulations, it's a boy! And congratulatations, it's a girl!'' He said pointing at the second child. 

You and Paterson cried tears of joy. ''Oh, honey! I'm so happy!'' Paterson said lifting you up and kissed you passionately. ''Me too! They're going to be so beautiful!'' You said also kissing him. ''Thank you so much, doctor!'' Paterson said gratefully. ''You're so welcome, Paterson and Laura. It is my pleasure as always.'' The doctor said smiling as he left the room. You went to the check-out and the receptionist said: ''Have a good day.'' ''You too.'' You both said leaving the doctor's office. You held Paterson's hand lovingly as you headed to where your car was parked. 

''I'm so happy that we're having a boy and a girl!'' Paterson said as he drove back to the house. ''Me too, darling. It's wonderful! It's a blessing!'' You arrived back home and Marvin was barking. Paterson locked the car doors and you headed back inside. ''What is it, Marvin?'' Paterson asked. ''He wants to know how it went.'' You told him. ''Well Marvin, Mommy is having twins. A boy and a girl. Be nice to them when they are born.'' Paterson told him. Marvin barked obedientely. ''Good!'' You said happily. You are so glad that everyone is happy. You'll be having beautiful twins very soon. 

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