Chapter Four: Meeting Ben Solo

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It is your first day being trained as a Jedi Knight. You passed your trials in order to become a Knight when you were a Padawan. You are going to meet your Jedi Master Ben Solo today. He is the son of Han Solo and Leia Skywalker Organa Solo! You can't wait to meet him and wonder how nice and handsome he will be. You get onto your speeder to head to Ach-to an island with porgs. 

On Ach-to.... You have finally arrived on the water planet Ach-to. You land your speeder onto the ''landing platform'' of the island. You get out of your speeder and walk on the stone steps. You gasp at the beauty of the island. It is so lush and green and has stone huts with large rocks surrounding it. The water was splashing against the island in beautiful waves. You are trying to look for your Jedi Master Ben Solo. You spot a young man in Jedi robes. This must be Ben Solo! You thought. You walk up to him. ''Master?'' You ask him trying to see if it's Ben Solo are not. 

''Yes, (Y/N)?'' He turns around to see you. You gasp at his handsome and masculine features. His beautiful raven hair in lucious locks, his beautiful golden brown eyes, his beauty marks, his broad frame and those pink plush full lips. You can't stop admiring every aspect of his beauty. ''I was just wondering how old are you, (Y/N)?'' ''Oh, I'm 19.'' You say wondering how old he is. No matter what age he is, he is so young-looking. ''How old are you, Master?'' ''I'm 30.'' He tells you truthfully. (Your POV): 30! And I'm 19! That's 11 years apart! He looks so young! But he's so beautiful and handsome! 

''Well, (Y/N), today we're going to begin training.'' ''Where are the other Knights?'' ''Oh, you're my only Knight so far.''  (Your POV): Only Knight? Ben and I? This is perfect! ''We are going to mind read today.'' (Your POV): Mind read? Oh no! What if he finds out that I have feelings for him? He places his hand in front of your face and closes his eyes breathing deeply. He looks so peaceful and relaxed. ''You are so loneley. Wanting a lover. You have feelings for me.'' He gets out of your mind. ''You love me (Y/N), don't you?'' He asks you curiously. ''Yes, yes I do love you Master Solo.'' You admit blushing. ''You know what (Y/N), I love you too.'' He admits smiling at you. His smile is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen. You are crimson now. 

''You are really adorable (Y/N). Blushing really suits you, you know.'' He tells you lovingly. ''You really think so? May I call you Ben?'' ''Of course, sweetheart.'' You smile at him and he kisses your hand softly. You finally have someone who loves you. And you love Ben Solo with all of your heart. 

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