Chapter Fifty-Nine: An Empty Page Presents the Most Possibilties

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Leona Stevens Alm344

Monday *flash-back* 

''I had the most beautiful dream. We has two little children. Twins.'' Laura said smiling asleep in the bed with Paterson. ''Twins.'' Paterson whispered. ''If we had children, would you like it if they were twins?'' Laura asked him. ''Mhm. Yeah, sure why not? One for each of us.'' Paterson said softly as he gently kissed Laura on the shoulder. *end of flash-back*

1 month later.....


''Honey, guess what?'' You asked him softly smiling as you felt Paterson's warm mouth make contact with your skin. ''What, honey?'' ''My beautiful dream came true. We're going to have twins. I'm pregnant.'' You said smiling looking into Paterson's beautiful eyes smiling as you brushed a strand of hair out of his face. ''You're pregnant? We're going to have two beautiful children?'' Paterson asked a smile spreading across his face. ''Yes, they will be beautiful. I found out yesterday. I know in my heart that we're going to have twins.'' ''Me too.'' Paterson whispered as he slowly removed the blanket to kiss you on the stomach. ''Mmm.'' You sighed in content. Paterson got out of the bed to get dressed so did you. 

''I'm so sorry about your poems. Marvin, he is such a bad dog. I tried everything to repair the torn pieces, but it didn't work.'' You said sadly as you put on your striped t-shirt with your balck pants. You and Paterson walked to the kitchen to get some breakfast. ''That's okay. Actually, last month I met a Japanese poet. He said that he was visiting Paterson to see of there were any poets like William Carlos Williams. He asked me if I was a poet.'' ''What did you say?'' You asked him slightly nervous. ''I told them no. I figured I was just another bus driver in Paterson since my secret notebook got ruined by Marvin.'' 

''Why did you do that, honey? He would have really loved your poems and I bet he would let the world see them. Oh honey, I'm so sorry.'' You said hugging him close to you. ''That's okay. Anyway, he gave me an empty notebook and said: ''Sometimes an empty page presents the most possibilities.'' So I took it, thanking him and wrote a poem.'' Paterson said getting out his notebook. 

''You did? Could you read it to me?'' You asked him excitedely. ''Sure. I'm sorry I haven't read any recent ones to you. I just think I'm really bad at writing. I didn't feel very inspired after what Marvin did.'' Paterson said sadly. ''Oh, honey. That's not true. It's funny that he didn't get dogjacked yet.'' Paterson let out a soft chuckle and Marvin growled angrily at him. Paterson looked away quickly. 

''The Line''

''There's an old song

My grandfather used to sing

That has the question, 

''Or would you rather be a fish?''

In the same song is the same question, 

But with the mule and the pig, 

But the one I hear sometimes

In my head, 

Is the fish one. 

Just that one line. 

Would you rather be a fish?

As if the rest of the song

Didn't have to be there.'' 

You smiled happily at him. ''That was beautiful, honey. In celebration, maybe we could go to your favorite bar to celebrate your poem and our beautiful children. I won't drink anything though because I'm pregnant, but you could get your beer. I love the way you smell like when you come home, you smell faintly of beer.'' You told him smiling. ''You could bring your guitar and maybe samples of your delicious cupcakes.'' Paterson suggested to his wife. ''That would be great.'' You told him giving him a swift kiss on the cheek. ''Should I bring Marvin with me?'' ''No, Marvin is staying in the garage after he ruined those poems.'' You dragged Marvin to the garage. You then came back ready to head to the bar. Paterson brought his notebook just in case. 

At the bar..... You and Paterson walked into the bar and Paterson said: ''Morning, Doc.'' ''Good Morning, Paterson. You're here early. Who is this with you?'' ''This is Laura, my wife. She plays the guitar and she has brought some delicious samples of her cupcakes.'' ''Hello, Doc. Would you like to try a sample?'' You asked him with a bright smile. ''Sure. Mmm, that's delicious. Thank you, Laura.'' ''You're welcome.''

You spotted a lounge singer that looked like she was in her late 20's. She stood up to see you. ''Hello, you must be Paterson's wife. I'm Leona. What's your name?'' She asked you. ''My name's Laura. I play the guitar. Do you know the song: ''I've Been Working on the Railroad?'' You asked Leona. ''Yes, I do actually. I could sing it and you could maybe accompany me.'' Leona suggested to you. ''Yeah, I'm ready when you are.'' Leona set up her mic amd you began to tune your guitar. Paterson looked up as he heard you begin to strum your guitar. Paterson was amazed by how beautiful you and Leona's peerformance was and he clapped congratulating the both of you. You both bowed. 

You are so happy that you and Paterson are going to have twins and that Paterson has a brand new notebook to write his beautiful poems in it. You might even start a sucessfull cupcake business. The Japanese poet was right. Sometimes an empty page presents the most possibilities. 

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