Chapter Seventy-Nine: The Toronto Honeymoon

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You and Adam woke up in bed and smiled happily at each other. ''Good Morning, my love.'' Adam said kissing you passionately. ''Good Morning, my sweetheart.'' You said brushing a strand of hair out of his face. ''It's so beautiful in Canada isn't it?'' Adam asked you curiously. ''It sure is. Let's get some hot chocolate.'' You said getting out of bed to get dressed. ''Alright, let's get breakfast.'' Adam said in agreement. You headed downstairs with Adam to get some delicious Canadian breakfast. A warm fire was set in the fireplace with at the comforting wood lodge. You had some Canadian bacon, pancakes with maple syrup along with the hot chocolate. ''Mmm, this is delicious. What do you think, Adam?'' You asked him curiously. ''It is very delicious. Would you like to go skiing today?'' ''I'd love too, Adam. Even though I've never been before. Is it difficult?'' You asked him slightly nervous.

 ''Not once you get the hang of it. Don't worry you will though, Daisy. I believe in you.'' You smiled at his comment. You put on warm clothing: (hat, scarf, gloves, coat, jacket, ski boots, ski pants, and everything in between.) You then headed outside with Adam in the cold frosty air with slopes of snow. You got your skis and the sticks to put on either side of you. ''Alright, you see the bunny slopes there?'' Adam asked you as he pointed to a small slope. ''Yes.'' ''Well, this is where we're going to start. This is the easiest slope to ski on when you're first learning how. First, you'll need to attach your ski boots to your skis. You see the space to put your foot in? I need you to push your boots into each of the skis.'' You listened to what Adam said and followed his instructions. You heard a click which meant your boots were in place. 

''Good. Now hold a ski stick on each hand and walk up the side of the slope. We'll be going down in a moment.'' Adam instructed to you. ''Okay.'' You walked up the slope and stood on top of it. ''Okay. The key to skiing is always keep your knees slightly bent and stay straight when you're going downhill. In other words, don't go down in a angle or keep your skis to close together because you'll end up falling.'' ''Okay, I think I'm ready.'' You told him truthfully. ''Good. Let me demonstrate first.'' Adam went down the slope quickly and with perfection. ''Now you try!'' Adam shouted to you. ''Okay.'' You bent your knees slightly and pushed off and went down perfectly. You smiled proudly. ''Fantastic job, Daisy!'' Adam said clapping. 

You went to another begginer slope but it was longer this time but you still managed not to fall. Then, it was time for an intermediate slope. Now this one was much steeper and longer. You took a ski lift for that one. You fell once and Adam helped you up. But the rest of the way down was excellent. Then came the most difficult slope yet. You zoomed down that one and didn't fall once. ''Great job, my love! I'm so proud of you! You are a quick learner!'' Adam said giving you a goregous smile. 

You headed back to the lodge your cheeks all rosy from the cold air. You had another mug of hot chocolate with Adam and spent some cuddling time together by the fireplace. Today has been such an incredible honeymoon. You never tried skiing before and you have almost mastered it. You are very proud of yourself and so is Adam as well. You are so glad that you and Adam are married and you are the perfect match for each other and you always will be. ''I love you, Adam Douglas Driver.'' You told him with all the love in your voice. ''And I love you, Daisy Jazz Isobel Driver.'' You shared a romatic kiss in the beautiful lodge for your honeymoon. You will love each other for all eternity. 

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