Chapter Sixty-Seven: Takodana

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The next day..... Today you will be filming scenes for Takodana a green planet with Maz Kanata's palace, she is a very good mentor. You entered the room waiting for J.J to come. Once J.J came, it was time to begin. ''3-2-1, action!'' ''I've never seen so much green in the whole galaxy.'' You said awe-struck. Han landed the Falcon on the soft ground of the set of Takodana. You got up and out of the Falcon and smiled as you looked at the beautiful planet. ''So what's your name, kid?'' Han asked as he walked towards you. ''Rey.'' ''Well, I've been thinking I just bring on some more crew, Rey.  It's an offer, but it wouldn't pay much.'' ''Are you offering me a job? We're trying to return the missing droid of the Resistance.'' ''Well then, Maz Kanata's our best bet. I do give you a fair warning though, Maz can be a little embarrasing sometimes. So don't look at it.'' Han said. 

''At what?'' You and Finn asked at the same time. ''Any of it.'' You entered the set of Maz Kanata's palace. *mellow music* ''HAN SOLO!'' A woman yelled in the distance some glass shattered. Everything went silent. ''Hey, Maz.'' *music resumes* Han said nervously. ''Where's my boyfriend?'' A short orange creature with large spectacles asked. You realized that she must be Maz. ''Oh, Chewie? He's working on the Falcon.'' You exchanged glances of surprise with Finn. ''I like that Wooikee.'' Maz said with a smile. You all walked to a table to get something to eat. 

''We need to stop the fight.'' ''What fight?'' You whispered softly. ''The only fight. Against the Dark Side. Throughout the ages, I have seen evil take many forms. If you live long enough, you see the same eyes in different people.'' Maz said adjusting her spectacles to make her eyes look bigger. ''What's she doing, Solo?'' Finn asked nervously. ''I don't know, but it 'aint good.'' ''And I'm looking in the eyes of a man that wants to run.'' Maz said to Finn. ''You don't know a thing about me. Who I am, where I'm from. You don't know the First Order like I do. They'll slaughter us. We all need to run.'' Finn said truthfully. Finn left and you followed him. ''Who's the girl?'' Maz asked Han. 

''What are you doing?'' You asked Finn as he was talking to a creature. ''I'll deal with you later.'' Finn said to the creature as he walked towards you. ''I have to go.'' ''No. Don't go. The Resistance needs you.'' You told Finn. Finn sighed. ''I have to, Rey. I'm not Resistance. I'm not a hero. I'm a stormtrooper. Like all of them, I was taken from a family I never knew. Don't worry I'll see you again.'' Finn said hugging you. You sadly watched Finn leave and suddenly heard a young girl scream: ''No! Come back!'' You looked down the stairs and began walking down them. ''Come back!'' BB-8 followed you and your heart pounded as you saw a drawer. You opened it revealing a lightsaber hilt. You grabbed hold of it. 

Soon a vision appeared before you: A flashback of you being pulled away from your parents weak and vunerable all alone in the desert. Being pulled by Unkar Plutt. But then it shifted to Kylo Ren and his Knights, all black and clad, Kylo with his chaotic red-bladed lightsaber in the rain. You gazed up at him in horror. Then it shifted to a forest and Obi-Wan called: ''Rey?'' Then it shifted to a Jedi Temple burning with Luke Skywalker gazing sadly at it with R2.  Then it stopped. 

Tears came to your eyes as you saw Maz approaching you. ''What was that?'' ''That lightsaber belonged to Luke Skywalker and his father before him. And now it calls to you. I am no Jedi, but I know the Force. It moves through and surrounds every living thing. Close your eyes. Feel it. It's always been there. Dear child, I see your eyes. You already know the truth. The belonging you seek is not behind you, it is ahead. The saber. Take it.'' Maz commanded you. ''I'm never touching that thing again. I don't want any part in this.'' Maz stammered as you ran out of the room and then she sighed in disapppointment. You ran out of the temple and gazed in horror as you ''saw'' TIE fighters in the air shooting Resistance ships. ''And cut! That was great!'' J.J said clapping. 

You smiled happily. You are very proud of yourself and everyone else involved with this filming process. You went over to Adam and he smiled proudly at you. ''You did a great job, Daisy.'' ''Thank you, Adam. Can you believe it, we're almost done filming this episode?'' You asked him surprised. ''I know, it's crazy. The premiere is going to be great.'' Adam said truthfully. ''It sure will.'' You're so glad that you met Adam and that Adam is glad too. You are a perfect couple and do an incredible job acting. Your fans are going to adore you so much at the premiere. Star Wars is going to be a very sucessful franchise for many generations to come. 

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