Chapter Twenty-Four: An Admiral for Kylo Ren

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This was requested by @Alm344. This one goes to you my friend!

You were walking to give a report about the Resistance to General Hux when a stortrooper TK-2547 blocked your pathway. ''What is it?'' You asked him slightly annoyed. ''Who gave you the rank of being the youngest Grand Admiral? If it was Kylo Ren, I'm going to do something about it. And it sounds like an elementary rank. Youngest Grand Admiral....'' He chuckled rudely. ''You can't do something about it because Kylo Ren is the Supreme Leader of the First Order. And by the way, I'm Kylo Ren's personal assistant. The Supreme Leader can give me any ranking. He can even give me a low ranking like you.'' You said defensively. 

He gasped slightly shocked. ''I can't believe you! You're such a traitor!'' And at that comment, your border-collie puppy Ethel growled at him. TK-2547 backed away slightly scared. ''Nice, puppy....'' Ethel bit him on the leg. ''Ow!'' He yelped in pain hopping on one foot. Millicent, Hux's cat, came strolling next to Ethel. 


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They are really good friends even if they are a cat and a dog. Millicent started meowing in concern for her friend. Ethel barked at her also concerned, trying to get Kylo and Hux's attention. 

In the hallway.... ''Did you hear something?'' Hux said to Kylo. Kylo had his mask off.  *barks and meows in the distance* ''Something isn't right. I've got a bad feeling about this.'' Kylo told Hux. ''Millicent!'' Hux shrieked freaked out for his beloved pet cat. Lily, Kylo's other personal assistant said: '' What's going on Supreme Leader?'' ''Well, I hear the Admiral's dog Ethel barking and Millicent meowing trying to warn us about something. Which ussually means that it can't be good.'' Kylo explained to Lily. ''I see, Supreme Leader. Well, we better see what the problem is. I'm guessing Hux already ran off?'' ''Yes, he did.'' Kylo said as he put his mask back on. 

Kylo and Lily headed down the hallway where TK-2547, the youngest Grand Admiral Leona Stevens was, General Armitage Hux, along with Millicent and Ethel. ''What's going on?'' Kylo asked bending down to look at you as your face was covered in your knees. You were sobbing. Your feelings really got hurt. ''He called me a traitor and said that I didn't deserve a high- ranking.'' ''Who said that?'' Ethel barked in response wagging her tail and walked over to TK-2547. ''TK-2547, why did you say that to the Grand Admiral Stevens?'' Kylo asked him defending you. ''I didn't mean it. Really I-'' Kylo Ren cut him off by lifting him up in the air with the Force, and force-choked him. 

''If you do this again to the Admiral, you'll be suffering something far worse than you are now. Captain Phasma, please take TK-2547 to sanitize the base.'' Kylo said releasing him. ''Of course, Supreme Leader. He will serve us well.'' Captain Phasma said with a slight tone of happiness in her voice. Captain Phasma is crazy about sanitation. She said that without sanitation the First Order base wouldn't exist.  ''NOOO!'' TK-2547 said shouting as Captain Phasma dragged him out of the hallway. Hux chuckled slightly. You were still very hurt. 

''Admiral, it's alright. He's gone. I promise he won't mess with you anymore. If something does happen, I'll always be there to protect you Grand Admiral Leona Stevens.'' Kylo said admitting his feelings towards you as he took his mask off. ''Aww, who's being a softie now?'' Lily said with a 'baby' voice. Kylo blushed a deep red. ''We'll leave you two lovebirds in privacy.'' Hux said leaving you as he took Millicent in his arms. Lily followed suit. 

''I love you Supreme Leader, did you just admit your feelings for me?'' You said gushing as you saw how goregous he looked.  You asked him your heart thumping fast in your chest. ''Yes I did, Admiral. I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?'' Kylo proposed to you. ''Yes of course, Supreme Leader.'' You said hugging him tightly. Kylo returned the hug.  You then shared the most perfect passionate kiss. You are not just an Admiral now. You're an Admiral for Kylo. 

(end of imagine) 

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