Chapter Thirty-Six: The Driver Legacy

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This was requested by @Alm344. This one goes to you my friend! 

You got married to your beloved soulmate Adam Driver about a year ago snd you are now 8 months pregnant with Adam's child. You are expecting a son and you are trying to keep him away from the public eye and only a part of your private life since you both act for a living. Adam's sister Lily, is going to be an aunt for the first time in her life. Lily is the only one that knows you are pregnant besides Adam of course. Adam is staying home with you since you are expecting really soon. Lily has went out shopping to look for baby supplies. 

''Leona, don't you think that we should think of a name for our son?'' Adam suggested to you. ''Yes, I think we should.'' ''How about Benjamin Moore Driver?'' Adam suggested to you again. ''That's perfect! Just like Ben from Star Wars.'' You told him smiling. Adam plays the role of Ben Solo in the Star Wars sequel trilogy. Adam nodded in agreement. You suddenly yelped in pain as felt a contraption hit your abdomen. ''Leona, are you alright?'' Adam asked to you concerned. ''I don't know. I think it's just a false alarm.'' But then another one hit, and it was more painful than the last. 

''I think the baby really is coming!'' You winced in pain as you felt another contraption hit. ''Isn't it too early?'' But Adam spoke to soon as you yelped in pain, and you were pretty sure that your water just broke. Adam lifted you up effortlessly and carried you to bed. ''Just rest and I'll clean this up. When I'm done, we can head to the hospital.'' You nodded slightly. Adam called Lily to tell her that you were about to go in labor. Lily is already heading to the hospital. Adam finished cleaning up and carried you to the car and set you down gently in the front seat. Adam started the car and quickly headed to the hospital. Adam motioned for Lily to come once you arrived there, and you went to the nearest vacant room. 

The doctor came shortly. ''Alright, you are almost ready to push, okay?'' The doctor said calmly. Lily is waiting  in the waiting room until the baby arrives. Adam is holding your hand trying to calm you down. ''Okay, you're ready? Now I want you to push really hard, okay? You think you can to that for me, Leona?'' You nodded and pushed with all of your might. ''Good, you're almost there, I can see the head. One or two more pushes and you should be done!'' You screamed aloud in pain as you made your final push followed by a loud cry. Adam saw your beautiful son Benjamin Moore and you felt another sharp pain. 

''You're going to have twins!'' The doctor exclaimed happily. Adam had tears of joy running down his face as he heard the wonderful news. You pushed again and another cry followed. It was a beautiful girl that looked exactly like you. You laid down exhausted. Adam kissed you passionately on the lips and you returned the kiss. The doctor cleaned the twins off and wrapped them in fuzzy blankets. The doctor left the room to tell Lily that the twins were born. ''I'm so proud of you, my love! We have twins, what a blessing! What should we name our baby girl?'' Adam asked you. 

''Reyhanna Rose Driver.'' You told him smiling. ''That's perfect!'' Adam exclaimed joyfully. Lily entered the room with the doctor and said: ''Aww! They're so cute! Twins, what a surprise! Congratulations.'' Lily said happily. ''Thank you.'' Adam said proudly. ''Congratulations!'' The doctor said. ''Thank you, doctor. We couldn't have done it without you.'' ''It was my pleasure.'' The doctor said leaving the room. You glanced at your beautiful children with expressive warm golden brown eyes and raven black hair and lucious curls. They looked like the splitting image of you and Adam. 

''May I hold them?'' Lily asked kindly. ''Of course, it's about time that they meet their aunt.'' Adam said handing Benjamin and Reyhanna for Lily to hold. Lily carressed their baby soft cheeks and smiled. ''Aren't you the cutest little angels? I'm your aunt. Welcome to the world Benjamin and Reyhanna. Full of exciting and wonderful thing to do.'' Lily said smiling down at them. They cooed happily. ''Aww, they love you already!'' You said happily. Lily smiled and handed back Reyhanna to you and Benjamin to Adam. You smiled at your little children. You love them from the bottom of your heart. And you love your soulmate Adam Driver from the bottom of your heart too. The Driver legacy is only just beginning.

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