Chapter Seventy-Eight: The Bride and the Groom

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4 months later..... Today you are going to get married to your wonderful soulmate Adam Driver. You have invited everyone in the cast of Star Wars and you have invited your parents and your 2 sisters. Adam has invited his sister but not his parents since they are quite distant. The wedding is going to be held at Brooklyn First Baptist Church that Adam attends. Once you get married, you'll be moving to Brooklyn Heights.  Your wedding dress is going to be white satin with a beautiful lace veil. The wedding dress cuts about to where your 2 inch white heels will be. Your hair is in a beautiful heart shaped bun with curls on either side of your face. You also have your beautiful engagement ring that Adam gave you as well.

(Wedding March Begins) You walked down the church aisle and the audience gazed at you in wonder at how beautiful you and your dress looked. You smiled at Adam as you saw his handsome features and dapper tuxedo. The preacher and Adam smiled back at you. ''Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony. Do you Adam Douglas Driver take Daisy Jazz Isobel Ridley to be your lawfully wedded wife through sickness and health, through richer or poorer, as long as you both shall live?'' ''I do.'' He said holding hands with you. Adam smiled at you with pure love, adoration and joy in his eyes. 

''Do you Daisy Jazz Isobel Ridley take Adam Douglas Driver to be your lawfully wedded wife through sickness and health, through richer or poorer, as long as you both shall live?'' ''I do.'' You said smiling back at Adam. ''The rings please.'' You both took the opposite of each other's rings and placed them onto each other's fingers. You then said your solemn vows to each other and then the preacher said: ''Congratulations, I now pronouce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.'' The preacher said with a smile. Adam leaned in to kiss you passionately and the congregation cheered. You had a delicious german chocolate cake that was 5 tiers with a beautiful decoration on top of a bride and groom that looked exactly like you and Adam. 

You then had a wondeful ceremony at a beautiful building reserved for weddings. You did some ballroom dancing with Adam there and so did everyone else. You did some waltzes, tangos and everything in between. You make the perfect dancing couple. You did some karaoke together and celebrated through 1AM. You and Adam both fell asleep in the limo as it was bringing you to Toronto, Canada; your honeymoon location. Today has been such an incredible day celebrating the marriage of you and your goregous soulmate Adam Driver. You slept the most wonderful sleep that morning with Adam's loving arms secure around you. You are the perfect husband and wife for each other. You can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring. 

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