Chapter Fifty-Seven: A Jedi's Love

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The next morning..... The sunlight streamed into the window of the hut causing you to awaken. Ben's arms were wrapped securely around your torso. You glanced at your fiance: he looked so peaceful and calm. He even looks younger than he already is. He has a strand of hair ono his forehead you brushed it out of his forehead admiring every feature of him. You are so happy and you've never felt so loved in your entire life since Ben proposed to you. You are going to be a great husband and wife to each other and maybe even parents! Ben yawned slightly and his eyes slowly fluttered open. 

''Good Morning, my handsome fiance.'' You said kissing his forehead. ''Good Morning, my beautiful fiancee.'' Ben said kissing your hand gently. ''Ben, when would you like to get married?'' You asked him curiously. ''We can get married as soon as you'd like too. We can even get married today if you want too.'' Ben told you smiling. ''Really? We can get married to today on this island? It would be a beautiful place to get married.'' You told him smiling dreamily. ''Yes, it would. So you'd like to get married today then?'' ''Yes, I'd love too.'' 

Later on that day.... You and Ben got dressed into your most beautiful Jedi robes and went to the Jedi rock to get married. ''Ben, should we call all the Force ghosts so that they could witness our wedding?'' You asked him curiously. ''I think that would be a great idea. Let's call them.'' You both said the chant: Be with me, so that all of your fellow Jedi's could attend the wedding. And there they were: Anakin, Obi-Wan, Mace-Windu, Luke, Leia, Han and Yoda. Yoda chuckled. 

''Young Skywalker and Young (Y/ln)! I always knew that you were meant for each other. You get married today, hmm? Oh, all the Jedi fall in love anyway. Do not worry, the Jedi Council repealed that law where Jedi's aren't allowed to love a long time ago. Would you like for me to pronounce you Jedi and Jediess?'' ''That would be an honor, Master Yoda.'' Ben said putting his arm around you. Yoda cleared his throat. 

''Dearly beloved, we  today are gathered here to unite Young Skywalker and Young (Y/ln) in holy matrimony. Skip the vows... '' Do you Benjamin Han Solo take (Y/fn, Y/mn, Y/ln), to be your lawfully wedded wife through sickness and health, as long as you both shall live?'' ''I do.'' 'Do you (Y/fn, Y/mn, Y/ln) take Benjamin Han Solo to be your lawfully wedded husband through sickness and health as long as you both shall live?'' ''I do.'' ''Congratulations, I now pronounce you man and wife. The rings please.'' Han removed his wedding ring and gave it to Ben and Leia removed her ring and gave it to you. 

''There you go, son. Now I hope you give us some grandbabies!'' Han told him hopefully. ''Dad, shut up.'' Ben said flushing with embarrasment. Leia glared at Han and shook her head. You put on your rings and Yoda said: ''Kiss the bride, you may.'' Ben leaned foward and gave you a passionate kiss and you returned it. The Force ghosts cheered. You had some delicious green milk from Luke and Leia made a delicious 3 tiered cake that had a figurine of you and Ben on top with your lightsabers. It was all really good. Then the guests came to congratulate you and Ben on your marriage. 

''Hello there! I'm proud that you both found love. I never did find love except I might have at some point with Padme, but don't tell Anakin I said that. Well, Congratulations.'' Obi-Wan said with a smile. ''Thank you, Master.'' You said smiling. ''Congratulations, my grandson.  I'm glad that you found love and and have the power to save the one you love too. That was my greatest weakness.'' Anakin said sadly. ''I'm sorry, grandfather.'' ''Don't be sorry. It should be me that is sorry. Congratulations.'' ''Thank you.'' ''Congratulations Ben and (Y/N).'' ''Thank you, Master.'' You said bowing. Han, Luke and Leia came by to congratulate you and Ben as well. 

''My son. I'm so proud of you. (Y/N), thank you for taking care of my son. Congratulations, you two.'' Leia said smiling. ''My son! I'm so proud of you and (Y/N)! Go and make some grandbabies!'' ''Han....'' Luke said warningly. Han looked at the ground in embarrasment. ''Congratulations, you wonderful Jedi.'' Luke said. ''Thank you, Master.'' Yoda came by: ''Congratulations, young Jedi! The Force will be with you always now, you're unstoppable with each other.'' ''Thank you, Master Yoda.'' The Force ghosts disapearred into the Force, and oyu smiled at Ben. Yoda was right. Together you're unstoppable from any Dark Side of the Force. The Force will be with you always. 

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