Chapter Eighty-Seven: What I Love About Charlie

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A/N: I'm finally back! School has been very hectic and I'm so glad to be back on Wattpad. I love you all so much and thank you for over 5K reads! You mean the world to me!

''What I love about Charlie is that he loves being a dad. He doesn't mind the tantrums are the getting up at night. He's smart, determined and always thinks of others before himself. He's an incredible playwright and will always remain famous even after he leaves this life. And he is a fantastic friend, a best friend. I fell in love with him two seconds after I saw him and I always will no matter what happens between us.'' You finished reading your confession of feelings for your best friend Charlie Barber. Today is the day that you will be confessing your feelings of love for him. Now is the perfect time. You know that Henry will be proud of you too since he is your best friend too. 

After another performance of Being Alive..... You walked backstage to where Charlie was. ''Charlie, can I speak with you in private please?'' You asked him your heart thumping nervously. ''Sure. Do you want to talkk somewhere else or is here okay?'' Charlie wondered seriously. ''Here's okay, if everyone's gone of course.'' ''Yep, I signed autographs and everything, so we're the only ones left here.'' Charlie said waiting patiently for what you're about to say to him. You smiled at him relieved and looked down at what you wrote about Charlie. 

''What I Love About Charlie is that he loves being a dad. He doesn't mind the tantrums are the getting up at night. He's smart, determined and always thinks of others before himself. He's an incredible playwright and will always remain famous even after he leaves this life. And he is a fantastic friend, a best friend. I fell in love with him two seconds after I saw him and I always will no matter what happens between us.'' You said finishing and looked back up at Charlie. There were tears of joy in Charlie's eyes as he loved what you wrote. ''Wow. That was beautiful, (Y/N). Did you write that for me?'' He asked with curiosity showing in his eyes. ''Yes I did Charlie, because I really wanted to tell you how I feel about you. I love you and I wanted to know if you felt the same about me.'' You told him with truth in your voice. 

''I love you too, (Y/N). What I Love About (Y/N) is that she loves being an actress. She doesn't mind the non-stop work that she has to do in plays or the changes that have to be made often. She's wonderful, dedicated and always shows her compassion towards others. She is a truly incredible person and will never be forgotten for centuries to come. She's a wonderful best friend. I fell in love with her a second after I saw her and I never will stop loving her no matter what conflicts we might face.'' Charlie said also confessing his feelings towards you. You both smiled happily at each other. A wave of joy, love and belonging washed over you and Charlie. You were truly made for each other and you gazed at each other with all the love you had for each other in your hearts and expressed them in your very eyes. 

''(Y/N), would you like to be my girlfriend?'' Charlie proposed to you. ''Of course, I'd love to. Yes! Do you think that Henry would approve?'' You asked him suddenly nervous. ''Henry adores you. Trust me he would definetely approve of us getting together. And I know that if we ever get married, you'll make a fantastic mom for Henry as well.'' Charlie said blushing slightly. You smiled in adoration as you saw Charlie blush. You never saw him blush before but you think he looks adorable when he blushes. ''Well, we should head to your apartment to tell Henry don't you think?'' You said picking up your bag. ''Yeah, we should.'' Charlie said in agreement. You headed to Charlie's apartment with excitement to tell Henry that you're going to get together. 

At Charlie's apartment...... You parked your car closest to Charlie's apartment and Charlie rang the doorbell. ''Hello, guys!'' The babysitter said joyfully. ''Hey, thanks for taking care of Henry. I really appreciate it.'' Charlie said gratefully. ''Oh, it's no problem. Like I said before, he's a great kid and I love spending time with him. Are you guys together?'' She asked curiously. ''Oh yes. I just asked (Y/N) out today and she accepted.'' Charlie said smiling. ''That's wonderful! I'm so happy for you guys! I wonder if Henry will be too. I gurantee he will, he loves you.'' She said truthfully to the both of you. ''I hope that he will be happy.'' ''He will. Bye!'' The babysitter said as she closed the door. 

''DAD!'' Henry said running into his arms. ''Hey, Henry. Did you have a good day?'' ''Yeah, I did. Did you?'' ''Yeah, it was great.'' ''Are you going to ask (Y/N) out? I'd love it if you did. She's like a second mom to me.'' Henry said truthfully. ''Well actually Henry, I already did.'' ''You did?!'' Henry said excitedely. ''Yes, he did.'' You said with a smile. ''YAY!'' You both smiled at each other in delight that Henry accepts Charlie as being your boyfriend. You were made for each other. You have finally come alive for yourself and so has Charlie. He is a wondeful, perfect, handsome, kind, gentle and caring soulmate. And that is what you love about Charlie. 

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