Chapter Eighty-Six: The Miracle of Broadway

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After the production of the Being Alive play..... You and your other fellow cast and crew members have been working for 6 months non-stop for the Being Alive play that is going to premiere tonight at Broadway. But nobody worked as hard as Charlie since he is the screenwriter and director of this play and this night will change his life forever. He will either become rich again and not nearly broke or he'll become broke and it will ruin him. You hope to heaven that it's the first one. Charlie needs to get money in order to survive and he's an incredible playwright and deserves better. Hopefully there'll be a miracle tonight and Charlie can truly live a happy life. 

''5 minutes to curtain.'' Mary-Ann said to you. You took a deep breath and looked at yourself one more time in the mirror. Your hair was fixed in a neat bun and you had a red dress on. You're doing this for Charlie. Make it count. ''Break a leg, (Y/N).'' Charlie told you with a handsome smile. ''Thanks, Charlie.'' You told him smiling back. ''(Y/N), there are so many people! The theatere is completely full! This is a miracle!'' Charlie said with tears of joy in his eyes. ''I'm so proud of you, friend.'' You told him truthfully. ''Me too.''

Charlie said leaving since the play is about to start. ''Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to the premiere of my play called: ''Being Alive.'' It is about a young man that finds a young woman and they soon fall in love but she soon leaves him for someone else. The  man is alone without a lover, but he and she still try to be a family the best that they can. Well, I hope you enjoy ''Being Alive.'' Charlie said with a bow as he left the stage. The audience applauded awaiting with anticipation for the play to begin and the stage lights appeared and the curtains opened. A young man appeared talking about his lover. 

V.O.: ''What I Love About Nicole is that she's a mother who plays really plays.'' The stage separated the mother and the son as if the family was together but apart at the same time. ''What I Love About Charlie is that he loves being a dad. He doesn't mind the tantrums are the getting up at night. It's a bit annoying how much he likes it but it's mostly nice.'' You said with the voiceover. The play soon ended, but delivered a powerful message: With love, there is always a way. It described the process of divorce a bit of Charlie's own lifestory.

You bowed as the play ended and all the joy in Charlie's eyes was all that you needed to see. You went backstage to get dressed out of your costume and took your hair down and looked at yourself in the mirror and smiled. Tonight is truly a miracle. Charlie's destiny has finally been found. You walked up to Charlie and he had tears of joy in his eyes. Henry was also there as well. ''You did an incredible job, (Y/N). I'm so proud of you. You helped save my future and career.'' ''You did it all, Charlie. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you.'' You told him truthfully. ''You did a great job, (Y/N).'' Henry said with a cute smile. ''Thank you, Henry.''

 ''We got 2 million dollars just from tonight's show! Isn't it incredible? How can I ever repay you?'' Charlie said with all the gratefullness in his voice. ''You don't need to. You're my best friend. That is all I'll ever need.'' You said truthfully as you hugged him.  Henry joined in the group hug. ''Well, what should we do to celebrate?'' Henry asked his dad with curiousity. ''Well, what do you say to Olive Garden?'' Charlie asked suggesting. ''That would be wonderful. I'll pay, my treat.'' You said with compassion in your voice. ''Really, you would?'' Charlie asked with gratitude. ''Of course, friends always do things for their best friends.'' You said smiling. 

''YAY!'' Henry said with excitement. ''We're quickly going to sign autographs first though, alright Henry?'' Charlie said getting a Sharpie ready to sign autographs. ''Alright, I'll wait here.'' Henry told his father obedientely. After signing autographs, Charlie went backstage to retrieve Henry that way you could all go to Olive Garden. 

At Olive Garden.... ''Good Evening. May I have your name please?'' The waiter asked with a slight bow. ''Charlie Barber, this is my best friend (Y/N) and my son, Henry.'' Charlie said with a brief introduction. ''Can it be? You're Charlie Barber? The Charlie Barber?!'' The waiter exclaimed filled with joy. ''Yes, I am.'' ''I'm a huge fan! You're such an incredible playwright I just saw your last play ''Being Alive'' and it was such a beautiful production. And you're (Y/fn/Y/ln)! What a honor it is to meet the three of you! Do you mind?'' He asked politely with a notebook and pen in hand wanting autographs from you, Charlie and even Henry. 

''Of course.'' Charlie said autographing it quickly. You did the same and Henry couldn't bring himself to sign. ''You want an autograph from me? I'm not famous.'' ''Of course I do. You're the son of the most famous playwright in all of Broadway and I know that you're just as talented and deeply dedicated as him. Maybe even one day you'll pursue his path as your career.'' The waiter told Henry truthfully still waiting for his autograph. ''You bet I will!'' Henry said giving him an autograph as well. You smiled at Charlie and he smiled back. ''Oh forgive me. I haven't shown you to a table yet. This way.'' The waiter said showing you to a very special part of the resturant with a VIP table. ''Wow!'' Henry said amazed at how big and beautifully decorated the table was. 

''For my most favorite celebrities in the world. May you enjoy this special dinner, free of charge.'' He said smiling brightly. ''Really? You'd do that for us?'' You asked him gratefully. ''Of course, I will. I love you all so much.'' ''Thank you so much!'' You all said in unison. ''You're welcome.'' The other waiters came with the soup, salad, and breadsticks to start off the meal. ''Enjoy. I'll come back shortly once you decided what entrees you would like.'' He said heading to the other section of the resturant. ''Wow, he's super nice.'' Henry said truthfully with all the gratitude in his voice. ''He is.'' Charlie said in agreement. ''He really is a big fan.'' You said agreeing as well. Once you decided what entrees you were going to have, the waiter came back to take your orders. 

''Hello, what would you like?'' The waiter asked with a smile. ''I would like the shrimp alfredo please.'' Charlie said looking at the menu. ''I would like the chicken scampi please.'' You told him with a smile. ''And I'd like the cheese ravioli please.'' Henry said happily. ''Alright, it will take about 15 minutes.'' The waiter said going into the kitchen. 

15 minutes later..... ''Enjoy.'' The waiter said coming back with the food and placed it on the table. ''Thank you.'' You all said gratefully. The waiter left with the food cart. You all took a bite of the delicious food and yout taste buds relished the taste of it. ''Mmmm, this is delicious!'' You said to Charlie licking your lips. ''Yes, it is.'' Charlie said in agreement. ''This is the best food I ever tasted!'' Henry said truthfully. And because of the incredible food, Charlie left a $100 tip for the waiter since everything was free of charge. You spent the rest of the evening enjoying your meal and spending a great time together the three of you all celebrating Charlie's miracle of Broadway. You know for sure that Charlie has finally become alive again. 

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