She's Mine (Tory)

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Prompt: You and Tory had been keeping your relationship on the down low because she wasn't ready to come out to everyone yet, but in a moment of jealousy she outed both herself and your relationship... oops

Tory and I have been dating for a couple months now, it's been pretty hard because she doesn't want to tell anyone, but she also gets mad when other people hit on me. I tried telling her that I really don't care what other people think, but she is concerned about the other Cobras and how they're gonna react. She's taking me to this party later and I'm a bit nervous since parties aren't really my thing but she really wants me to go so I guess I'll just have to suck it up and deal for a couple hours.

I'm actually pretty proud of my outfit, it's comfortable enough for a party on the beach but still sexy enough to drive Tory crazy as her punishment for dragging me to this thing. I'm ready now so I guess I can't delay it anymore so I text Tory and she says she's on her way to get me.

Tory pulls up to my house as I run out to greet her. After I'm in the car she grabs my face to kiss me roughly. "Well hello to you too," I giggle.

"What on earth were you thinking when you decided to wear that outfit?" She groaned, burying her face in my shoulder.

"Well, uhh, I was thinking that this is exactly what would happen," I admit, looking at her nervously, "I figured I needed to get back at you somehow for dragging me to this party in the first place."

"Well, in that case, how about we just don't go to the party? I can think of some better ways to spend tonight..." She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively with the last part and I looked at her before we both busted out laughing.

"Absolutely not, we are going to this party, I did not spend three hours getting ready for you to decide not to go at the last minute." I shook my head at her and pointed towards the steering wheel.

"Ughhh fineee, you're so mean." And then she started driving.

The ride was pretty uneventful talking about random things that didn't matter in the slightest and holding hands all the while, she did try to sneak some kisses at red lights but I promptly shut that idea down in favor of y'know, NOT dying in a car wreck. But once we got the beach the party was already in full swing.

"You get out first and I'll park and then come down, that way no one sees us arrive together." She said while looking around to make sure no one saw.

"Well how do you suppose we leave then? If we can't leave together it's gonna look suspicious if we leave right after eachother anyways." I tried to reason with her but to no avail.

"Shit, I didn't think about that, well how about I pretend to get drunk and you can volunteer to take me home. It's not like I haven't had to be taken home from parties before."

"Fine, but for the record I think this is a very stupid plan and people are probably going to figure it out sooner or later."

"Well let's just hope it's later so I can come up with a way to explain." She said as she was trying to get me out of the car before I grabbed her hands to stop her.

"Babe, there isn't anything to explain, we're together and if anyone doesn't like it, that's their problem." I kissed her cheek quickly and hopped out of the car.

I walked down and saw some of our friends so I quickly went over to them so I didn't have to stand there awkwardly by myself.

"Hey y/n, how's it going? We didn't think you were gonna come." Hawk smiled at me before handing me a cup.

"Oh you know me always shaking things up." I joked, taking the cup from him, "Hey, what's in here anyways?"

"It's coke, did you really think I was gonna give you alcohol? We all saw what happened last time you drank." He laughed and patted me on the head in a poor thing sort of gesture and we all started cracking up. He was right, last time I drank at a party I got so sick to my stomach I spent about an hour in the bathroom puking before Hawk had to take me home.

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