Something New (Sam) Part TWO of Second Chances

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A/N: Part two of Second Chances but this is a Sam x reader

I promise I don't hate Hawk, I know he's been the bad guy in a few of my one shots but I don't hate him and eventually I'll have some better stuff out for him, this part two was actually supposed to have him redeem himself but after writing the first part to where he hits y/n and cuts her face I decided it was better to change characters than to portray an unhealthy relationship like that. If someone you care about is hurting you, please talk to someone, you deserve better than that. And now onto the story:

"Bitch," you mumbled before buckling your seatbelt and she started driving. Sam reached over and swatted your leg. "HEY! What was that for?" You complained.

"That was for being mean to your bestest friend in the whole world who is currently taking you to her house for a movie day and sleepover. Now, what do you need from your house? Besides overnight stuff."

"Uhh I need to drop off my school stuff and I'm gonna change but other than that I think I just need my pjs and stuff."

"Okay cool, do you want me to come in and help or wait in the car?"

"I'm not sure how long this is gonna take so you might as well come in."

"Okay," Sam beamed at you and you couldn't help but wonder what had her in such a good mood.

Sam pulled into your driveway and shut off the car and you both hopped out to go inside. Once inside you led her to your room where you dropped your stuff and then went to your bathroom to change.

"Hey y/n" Sam called from your bed.


"What all do you need? I'm gonna start packing your bag."

"Uhh grab the pj set that's like the silky shorts and cami and then the robe that goes with it. I also need the brush that's sitting on my dresser."

"Why is it in here and not the bathroom?"

"I was in a rush and I forgot this morning."

"Ah okay, I got all that, anything else in here?"

"Uhhh just an outfit for tomorrow but I can grab that when I come out."

"Nah I'll get it. Are shorts and a t-shirt okay?"

"That's fine, I'm almost done so I'll bring out my stuff that was in here."

You walked out of your bathroom with your arms full of toiletries and saw Sam sitting on your bed with several piles of clothes.

"What the fuck Sam?"

"I couldn't find any of your bags, did you move them?"

"Oh yeah lol, I put them in the top of my closet."

"Cool, I have all the stuff you asked for, I also grabbed one of your swimsuits just in case."

"Thanks," You say, handing her a bag and starting to put all your stuff in it. "Okay so I think that's all I need, you got a complete outfit, right?"

"Yup everything but socks but I figured you probably didn't need them since you're wearing sandals and didn't ask me to grab a different pair of shoes."

"Nah I don't need any but I did just remember I should grab my slippers." You put them in your bag and stood up to offer her your hand, "Ready to go?"

"Yup," she jumped up and grabbed your hand and you guys walked back to her car.

On the way to her house you turned on the radio and Sam started singing at the top of her lungs and you couldn't help but join her. Once you got to her house you went in to drop all your stuff in her room and quickly ran back downstairs to raid the fridge and claim the TV.

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