We Protect Each Other Part FOUR

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Miguel and I took turns driving through the night and now the sun was beginning to rise and we were almost at the school. I was driving while Miguel slept in the passenger seat and I called my girlfriend to let her know that I was almost there.

"Hey baby, I'm almost there, I should be pulling into the parking lot in like 15 or 20 minutes."

"Wait, really? It's like a 10 hour drive."

"Yeah, I know, Miguel and I drove all night."

"I know you said you were gonna take turns, but ALL night?"

"Yeah, he's asleep now, we've been taking shifts whenever we have to stop for gas or to use the bathroom or something."

"Wow, I didn't think even you would do something that crazy."

"Aww baby, I'd do pretty much anything for you, I love you so much."

"I love you too."

"I'm turning onto the road so I'll be there in like 5 minutes, do you wanna grab all of your stuff and meet us outside?"

"Yeah, I'll go do that, see you soon."

"See you in a few minutes babe."

I hung up the phone and started looking for the driveway of the school when I saw the massive gates and knew that it was the right place. I turned into the small path and drove up to the school where I saw my wonderful girlfriend waiting for me.

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