My Best Friend (Miguel)*

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A/N: Miguel x Fem!Reader request for @PrettyPrincess165 - y/n is in love with her best friend Miguel and his recent relationships with Sam and Tory have been very hard for her. Her other best friend, Hawk, knows she's in love with Miguel and doesn't understand why she hasn't told him how she feels already. She says it's because she just wants him to be happy and Hawk counters that he just wants y/n to be happy and then he decides to take measures into his own hands. He shows up at Miguel's apartment and lectures him about being so blind and Miguel realizes that he loves y/n too and the two of them plan a special date for y/n and Miguel. Miguel invites y/n over when both his grandmother and his mom are away and he decorated the entire apartment for this. They confess their feelings over dinner and a movie and y/n decides she's ready to lose her virginity to him. A bit of smut and they say both say "I love you" for the first time and they fall asleep. The next morning they meet up with Hawk for brunch and thank him for helping them get together. This was a long request lol so hopefully I can fit it all into one chapter (I write these little pre chapter A/Ns before I write the chapter so I have no clue if it's all gonna fit yet lmao)

*Smut Warning*

"I don't know Hawk, what if he doesn't like me back?"

"But what if he does?"
"I don't know if I could handle him rejecting me, I like- no I love him Hawk."

"You love him? Jesus y/n, I thought this was just a crush."

"No, I'm in love with our best friend and he hasn't realized it."

"You need to tell him."

"I don't want to put that pressure on him, I just want him to be happy."

"You deserve to be happy too y/n."

"Thanks but I don't think I can tell him."

"Just think about it, okay?"


"I have to go now, bye."


He gave me a quick hug and walked away. I groaned and put my face in my hands, what was I going to do? I was so fucking in love with Miguel but I was too scared of rejection to tell him.

POV switch

Hawk's POV

I had just finished talking to y/n and I realized that she was never gonna tell Miguel on her own so I decided to take matters into my own hands and help her out a little. I quickly drove over to Miguel's apartment and knocked on his door.

"Hey man, what's up?"

"Is the rest of your family here?"

"No, why?"

"I gotta talk to you and I don't think it's a conversation you want them hearing."

He stepped aside and let me into his living room, "Okay, what's going on?"

"It's y/n."

"What's wrong with her?" He suddenly looked really concerned.

"I'll tell you but you gotta promise me that you won't mention this to her, and that you won't get weird around her."

"What's wrong? Is she pregnant or something?"

"Dude, just promise me."

"Okay, okay, I promise. Now, what's up with her?"

"She really likes you, like she's had a crush on you for years but is too scared to tell you because she doesn't want you to reject her."

"Holy shit, wait really?" I nod my head, "I really like her too. Lemme guess, she doesn't know you're here?"

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