Oh S**t (Robby)

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Prompt: During a heated makeout session in her car, Robby leaves quite a few hickeys on y/n right before they go to Sam's pool party, this causes *problems* but Robby thinks it's absolutely hilarious.

IMPORTANT NOTE: I read something like this and decided to make my own version (READ: not an original prompt but the plot is mine), I don't remember which book it was so if you wrote the original version of this lmk and I'll credit you, sorry

"Babe stoppp, we have to go and you're gonna leave a mark." I complained, trying to push Robby off of me.

"No I'm not," he mumbled into my neck, "besides you weren't complaining when we were late to dinner last week."

"Well last week, I didn't have to wear a swimsuit in front of other people. Fine, five more minutes but I swear to god Robert Swazye Keene-"

"Oooo busting out my full name, you must be serious."

"I AM SERIOUS! Anyways, I swear to god if you leave any goddamn hickeys where people can see them, you're going to regret it."

"So what I'm hearing is, I can leave as many as I want as long as you can hide them?" He finally detached himself from my neck to look up at me and grin mischievously.

"I'm pretty sure that's not what I said but if that's how you want to interpret that and risk my revenge, have at it babe." He didn't even say anything this time, he just resumed his work on my neck. After a bit, I swatted his back to remind him to take it easy with my neck and in response he started kissing his way down my chest and stomach until he reached my hips. "Ow you fucker, you bit me!" I accused, pulling him off me at the same time.

"Damn right I did. It's not gonna leave a mark, you'll be fine, and besides, do you really want me to stop?"

"No," I admitted sheepishly, "But 10 bucks says that does leave a mark."

"You're on." and then he kissed the tender bite mark and moved back up towards my collar bone. "Can I?" he asked, gesturing at my bra. I could only manage a nod and then he pulled it off and resumed his attention to my body; sucking, licking, and biting anywhere he could reach and all I could manage was holding onto him by his hair as I tried not to moan too loudly.

"Robby, we have to go in now, we've been sitting at the base of their driveway for like half an hour." I gasped.

"Fine, let's go to the pool party I guess." He helped me straighten my clothes and I drove up to the house to park.

The party had obviously been going on for a while as we went around back to say hi to Sam and then go inside to change into our swimsuits. I started to change into my bikini when I saw what Robby had left, my entire chest and stomach was purple and as predicted that bite had left a pretty impressive mark on my hip. "You're dead Keene." I murmured as I started planning my revenge. In the end I decided to put on my suit and just wear my cover up, and then I used my hair to hide the bruises on my neck. Robby was waiting for me as I stepped into the hall.

"Took you long enough." He laughed, taking my hand.

"Well someone didn't keep their word and I had to figure out what to do." I hissed back.

"What do you mean, didn't keep my word?"

"You agreed, no visible marks, and look at this shit." I pulled up the hem of my cover up to show him the bite and part of my stomach.

"Jesus Christ, you bruise easily, but I guess that means I owe you 10 bucks don't I?" He laughed again and I realized he still thinks this is funny so I have to come up with a way to make sure my revenge is extra embarrassing.

"You know what, why don't you ask Sam to come in here and I'll see if she has a different suit I can borrow."

"Good idea, I'll send her in." He quickly kissed my cheek and went outside, and a couple minutes later Sam walked in confused.

"Robby said you needed me, what's up?"

"This is gonna take some explaining so let's run up to your room." I dragged her up the stairs and closed the door behind us.

"Okay now spill, what's so important?" I untie my cover up and she gasps, "Oh my god, did Robby do that?" I nod. "I think I have a suit that will cover most of them but you're on your own for your neck."

"Sam, you're a lifesaver." I sigh in relief as she hands me a one piece with a high neck that should cover most of the hickeys.

"No problem, can I assume that Robby is in trouble for this?"

"Oh absolutely," I call as I walk into her bathroom to change, "I'm thinking it's time to embarrass him at the weekly dinner with your parents."

"Oh my god, my dad will piss himself laughing."

"That's what I was hoping for," I walk out of the bathroom and do a quick spin, "How do I look? All covered?"

"Yup, you look good, now let's head down to the party." we head downstairs and run into her mom,

"Oh hi Mrs. LaRusso." I waved at her and we tried to keep walking but she stopped us.

"Oh my god y/n, are you alright?"

I sighed, "I'm fine, my idiot boyfriend is just stubborn and refuses to listen."

"So I take it you didn't lose a fight?"

"Lose a fight? Never." I grinned at her.

"Well then, make him pay." She winked at us and walked away.

"Well that was... different." Sam commented.

"Tell me about it." I breathed. And we went out to the party

I went and sat by Moon with my feet in the pool before, "Y/n what happened to your neck? Are you okay?" Moon whispered in my ear.

"I'm fine, I just have a dumbass boyfriend who doesn't listen very well." I whisper back. We both laugh and then Robby calls from the other side of the pool.

"HEY Y/N, WATCH THIS" As he flips into the pool completely soaking Sam, Moon and I. I dove in after him and jumped on his back. He spun us around and then pulled me off of his back and into his arms. "I see Sam had a suit you could use."

"Yup," I grinned, wrapping my arms around his neck, "though if it hadn't been for you, I could've worn my own suit."

"I think you should've worn your own suit, nothing wrong with a few love bites." He whispered the last part and then dunked us both under water.

When we came up Sam whistled and Moon yelled "YAS Y/N GET IT!" Robby and I laughed and he carried me over to them and deposited me on the side of the pool.

"So y/n, how do you plan on getting your revenge?" Sam asked.

"Well since tonight is your family dinner and I was already planning on staying over to hang with you tonight, I have to figure out something soon."

"What if you just return the favor?" Moon suggests.

"That's not a bad idea, I do have to make sure he can't cover them up very well though."

"Well if you can get them high enough, I can pretend to not know what they are and ask about them. If I do that, Anthony will almost certainly catch on and make it worse." Sam grins evilly.

"That's better than what I would've come up with, let's do that." I say and with that, the plan is set and all I have to do is put it into action after the party. 

A/N: Part two coming soon

1347 words

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