The Dinner (Hawk) Part TWO of Shhh

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A/N: Part 2 of Shhh Hawk x Daniel's Daughter Reader, this one takes place the next day for the dinner Daniel suggested.

You had been pacing on and off all day, you were so nervous for Hawk to come to dinner tonight and you were really hoping your dad didn't try to pull anything. Your sister, Sam, was at her desk and she'd had enough of your pacing.

"Goddamnit y/n, I'm trying to study. Can you be still for 10 minutes?"

"Sorry Sam, I'm just nervous for tonight."

"I get that, dad can be intense."

"No shit, I've texted Hawk to warn him about as much as possible but I'm almost certain dad's gonna try and pull something."

"DId you expect anything less? He's done it every time I've brought a guy home too."

"No, I knew this would happen, I just didn't think it would be this stressful."

"It'll be fine, if Hawk is as nice as you say he is, dad won't have anything to get upset over."

"You're right, I'll sit down now."

"Thanks, I really need to write this paper that's due on monday."

A couple hours later Hawk texted yo that he was on his way and that sent you into a new wave of panic as you tried to make everything perfect.

"Woah, calm down y/n, I promise not to be too mean to him."

"Very funny dad."

"What? I just want to sit down and get to know the kid, that's all. You said he's not as bad as I thought he was, so I'm trying to give him the chance to prove it."

"Just, please be nice to him."

"Okay honey, I promise."

"Love you dad!"

"I love you too sweetie."

You stand up on your tiptoes and kiss his cheek before hearing a knock on the door and sprinting to go answer it.

You ran through the house and flung open the door to see Hawk standing there. You fling yourself into his arms and he pulls you in for a kiss.

"Excited to see me LaRusso?"

"Shut up asshole, are you ready for this?"

"Do I have a choice?"

"Not really."

"Then yes, yes I am."

You led him into the house and took him to the kitchen to see your dad and get ready for dinner.

"Hello Hawk." Your dad sounded a bit aggressive but he restrained himself from embarrassing you.

"Uhh hi Mr. LaRusso."

"Y/n, can you run upstairs and get your siblings?"

"Yeah, sure."

You started to take Hawk with you when your dad suddenly spoke up again.

"Oh no you don't, Hawk is staying here with me."


"Nope, I'm gonna have a little chat with him and you're going to go get your siblings."


You look at Hawk apologetically and then run upstairs to get Sam and Anthony.

As you and your siblings went downstairs, you could hear your dad talking to Hawk.

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