Drunk (Tory)

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Request for @-mariexx - after a huge fight with her ex, y/n gets really drunk and her best friend Tory takes care of her (sorry if the drinking scene is bad lol, I'm not of legal drinking age and my parents don't keep alcohol in the house)

I was on my fourth rum and coke and I felt terrible. I had been minding my own business when my ex, Hazel, showed up out of nowhere and started tearing into me. We screamed at each other and I ended up leaving and going back to my empty house since my parents were away. I got into the alcohol cabinet and made it through half a bottle of the rum.

I called my best friend and my words were slurred as I tried to explain to her;

"I'm telling you T, shee came up to mee."

"Are you drunk y/n?"

"Maybee," I hiccuped and then laughed.

"You're fucking wasted, I'm coming over there, stay where you are, I'll be there in a few minutes."

I poured myself another few drinks while I waited for her to get here and when the knock on the door finally came, I could barely walk to answer it.

"Oh my god y/n," she grabbed my arms and helped me to the couch before taking my drink.

"HEY, that's mine."

"You've had plenty, you don't need any more. Speaking of, how much have you had?"

I pointed at the mostly empty liquor bottle sitting on the floor and her jaw dropped, "You drank that much? Y/n, that's enough to give you alcohol poisoning. I'm staying here with you tonight to make sure you don't die. How do you feel?"
I laughed, "your hair is really soft," I twirled a strand in my fingers until she grabbed my hands and forced me to look at her.

"How do you feel?"

"I feel weird."

"Do you feel sick?"

"No, just floaty."

"Okay, let's get some water and advil in you and get you to bed."

"Nooo, I don't wanna go to bed, I wanna stay up with youuu."

"What if I got in bed with you?"

"Hmm okay."

"First you need to drink this though," she handed me a bottle of water and I took a sip, "why did you drink that much?"

"Stupid bitch Hazel thinks she gets to yell at me."

"Hazel? As in Hazel your ex?"


"What did she want?"

"Fuck if I know, I was getting food and she came over and just started screaming at me so I came back here."

"Drink, more. That's crazy, I'm really sorry y/n. It's not a reason to get blackout drunk though."

"Who said I'm blackout drunk?"

"You can't fucking walk, you expect me to believe you're gonna remember this?"

"Sure I will, can I have a cookie?"

"Sure, are they in that box on the counter? It's probably good to get something small in your stomach." I nodded and she went and got a cookie which she handed to me.

"Thanks for coming over Tory, I know you have better things to do than take care of me."

"Don't worry about it, you need help and there's no one else here to help you out. Now, let's go put you in some pajamas."

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