You Broke Me (Hawk)*

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A/N: your daily dose of angst brought to you by my depression and abandonment issues.

Second Chances will be updated later but uh read the first line of the a/n lol

Request for @saralance224; Hawk x Fem! Reader based on the song You Broke Me First by Tate McRae (link above) (Light Smut)

Maybe you don't like talking too much about yourself

But you should've told me you were thinking bout someone else

You're drunk at a party

Or maybe it's just that your car broke down

Hawk stood me up again, this is the third time this week. He keeps promising that he won't forget this time but he hasn't remembered a single one of our dates. I haven't seen him since friday, and even then all he said was "I'm busy, I'll call you later." He tried to kiss me but I turned so he caught my cheek instead. I scrolled through instagram and saw him tagged in pics from one of Moon's parties. Confused because Moon hadn't thrown a party in a while and these were posted that night, I looked. There he was, all over Moon, arms around her, smiling, kissing her hair. I cried for hours, waiting for him to call me, or text me, or something to explain why he hadn't picked me up.

Or your phone's been off

For a couple of months

So you're calling me now

He never called me that night. He'd been declining my calls all week. I miss my boyfriend but he won't talk to me, and keeps ditching me to go out with his new karate friends. I miss the old Eli, he was so sweet and I held him after Kyler and them would bully him, so he could cry into my chest. I miss my sweet boyfriend, he was replaced by Hawk, I called him Eli for a few weeks but he stopped talking to me until I started calling him Hawk.

I know you

You're like this

When shit don't go your way

You needed me to fix it

I was there for him before any of those Cobra Kais. And unlike them, I never asked him to change. I did everything I could to support him. Hell, I even dressed up as a nurse for the halloween dance so we could match, since he wouldn't go as anything but a stupid plastic surgeon that fixes lips. He never believed me when I would tell him that he doesn't need to be "fixed" because there was nothing broken. There didn't use to be anyways, but now I'm not so sure. I think Cobra Kai broke him. Just not in the way he always thought he was broken.

And like me

I did

But I ran out of every reason

I realized that he wasn't my Eli anymore, that my Eli didn't exist. Hawk had killed him and took his place. I couldn't justify waiting for him to have a change of heart anymore and I texted him. I told him that I couldn't do this anymore, and that he was acting like an asshole and I don't date assholes. I told him not to talk to me anymore and that I would be ignoring his texts and calls so don't bother.

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