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A/N: Sam x Miguel request for @Arturo176, Sam helps Miguel with rehab (sorry this took so long lmao) RE: not xReader so if that's not your thing skip this one

Sam paced the floor of her kitchen, trying to convince herself that she shouldn't do this. She was getting ready to go see Miguel but she wasn't sure if he'd want to see her or not. Sam felt guilty about what happened to him during the fight at the school, and she wasn't sure if he blamed her or not. Miguel, of course, did not blame her but she didn't know that and this made her increasingly anxious as she almost psyched herself out of going to see him. She finally managed to get herself out the door and into her car and she started driving to his apartment.

When she got to his apartment she had a bit of a crisis and almost chickened out, but she steeled her nerves and got out of her car. She knocked on his door and his mom answered.

"Hi Sam, Miguel is doing a bit of physical therapy right now but you're welcome to come in and wait or come back later."

"Oh uh I'll just stay here if you don't mind Ms. Diaz."

"Not at all, come inside. Do you want anything to drink?"

"Some water would be nice please."

Sam gratefully accepted to glass and turned to the living room, where Miguel was lying on a table as his physical therapist worked with him.

"Miggy, when you're done here Sam stopped by to see you."

Sam flushed a bit as Miguel turned to look at her.

"Hey," she waved at him and he grinned.

"Enough of that, we need to finish up here." Miguel's therapist spoke up and shooed the women out of the living room.

After the therapist left, Sam and Ms. Diaz helped Miguel to the couch and Sam sat down beside him.

"What's up Sam?"

"I just wanted to see how you're doing I guess."

"Well uh I still can't walk but my physical therapist is optimistic."

"That's not what I meant stupid, I meant how are you?"

"Oh, I'm okay. Sensei has been doing all these weird things to try and help me but it hasn't been very effective, I've just been set on fire."

"He WHAT?"

"Yeah that wasn't his best idea."

"No shit, is there anything I can do?"

"I'm doing pretty good but if you want to I need help doing some of these exercises I'm supposed to do between sessions. You don't have to but-"

"Of course I'll help you, what do you need to do?"

"Uhh he usually leaves a sheet of paper with the instructions on the table, can you go check? I'd do it myself but," he gestures at his legs and chuckles nervously.

"Oh yeah sure, I'll be right back."

Sam went to go check the table and sure enough, there was a piece of paper with exercises for Miguel to do. She read the paper as she walked back over to him.

"Do you wanna see so you can choose what to do first?"

"You can pick, I don't really care, I've done it all before anyways. Whatever looks easiest to you."

"Okay, how about this one?" She pointed at a picture of a stretch and he nodded.

"Yeah that's a good one, help me onto the floor?"

She gently grabbed his arm and helped lower him to the floor.

After they had gone through most of the stretches Miguel was exhausted so they called it enough for the day and Sam helped him back to the couch.

"I really enjoyed hanging out with you again Miguel."

"Really? I had a lot of fun which is weird since we pretty much just did my PT the whole time."

"Well uh what if I came over after school and helped you do this stuff from now on?"

"Don't you have other stuff to do?"

"I mean yeah, but this only took an hour so it's no big deal or anything. But if you don't want me to, I won't come over."

"No, I want you to, I just don't want to keep you from doing other things."

"I wanna help you get better," she kissed him on the cheek before continuing, "I feel bad about what happened and I want to help you as much as I can."

"Sam, the fight wasn't your fault, Tory attacked you. I don't blame you for anything that happened. Please don't feel guilty about this," He took her hands and made her look at him, "If you want to come over, I'm more than happy for you to be here; but if you have other things to do, please don't feel like you have to skip them to be here."

"Okay, so tomorrow at 3?"

"I'll see you then."

"Oh shit, is it really 5:30? I have to run, bye Miguel."

"Bye Sam."

She ran out the door and he sunk lower into the couch looking forward to spending time with her again.

A/N: it's a bit short but this has been in the queue for a hot sec so I wanted to get it out asap.

Coming Soon:

Robby x Daniel's Daughter Reader

Moon x Reader

Eli x Demetri's Sister Reader (Part TWO)

Tory x Reader

Miguel x Reader

Hawk x Reader (Smut)

Moon x Reader (Light Smut)

Hawk x Daniel's Daughter Reader (Part TWO)

Don't forget about the special Valentine's Day chapters for Robby, Tory, and Hawk coming out this weekend!

Feel free to drop requests here or in the comments and remember that Second Chances gets updated in its own book on Sundays :D

960 words

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