Ready as I'll Ever Be (Hawk)

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A/N: part one of an extra long request for @PrettyPrincess165

I'm gonna sum up the request because it was pretty long so buckle up lol:

Y/n and Hawk got together a couple months ago and things are starting to heat up, the only problem is that y/n is super self conscious because she's a virgin and Hawk had dated Moon before her. Y/n tells her best friends who then convince her to tell her boyfriend so she tells him over milkshakes and he completely understands and lets her know that he won't pressure her into anything. Hawk gets help from Miguel to plan a special night for just him and y/n over a weekend when his parents are away. Sam helps y/n get ready for the big night and when she drops y/n off, Hawk had decided to be a bit more vulnerable and wore his hair down because he wants to show how much he loves her. Hawk had made dinner and decorated the shit out of his house to make y/n feel special. Y/n decides she's ready to lose her virginity to Hawk and has the time of her fucking life. Lovey dovey shit happens while they're cuddling and then the next morning they meet up with Sam and Miguel and plan a couples retreat together.

You can kind of tell when I got tired of summarizing lol, but really, that's the short version lmao. anyways, onto the actual story, y'know, 250 words later

I was resisting the urge to pull away from my boyfriend as he held me to his side in the mall, he's really into PDA but it's not really my thing. We only got together a little over two months ago and I'm not sure I'm ready to do all this shit with him. He's a lot more experienced than I am, he dated Moon and they were all over each other, constantly. I still have no clue why he chose me, I mean he dated Moon before and she's one of the hottest girls at our school. I'm having a hard time getting out of my head long enough to even enjoy just kissing him, and it really sucks. I just, I second guess everything I do because I want to be as good as his ex. Totally cliche, I know but it is what it is.

Hawk has been slowly pushing things further physically and I just don't know if I'm ready. I'm the only virgin in our friend group and I have literally no clue what I'm doing. I mean, what if I totally suck at it and he leaves me? Sure, it's not like I've *told* him how I feel but I'm just scared. This is important to me and I dunno if I could handle him not caring. I don't want to give him my virginity and then have him just walk away afterwards. I don't think my heart could take it.

"Y/n, are you even listening?"

"Huh?" I turn to my best friend Sam who looks annoyed.

"Let's go get something to drink," she grabs my hand and pulls me away from Hawk, "we'll be right back, Miguel, you're coming with." She grabs him too and starts dragging us toward the food court. "Okay, what's up with you? You've been acting weird lately."

"I dunno, I'm just a bit on edge I guess."

"About what?" she pressed, still pulling us towards the center of the mall.

"About me and Hawk."

"What's wrong with you and Hawk? I thought you guys were doing great?"

"We are, that's the problem."

"I literally don't see how that's a problem."

"It's a problem because he keeps trying to do more and I'm not ready."

"More what?"

"Like physical stuff."

"You're nervous because you don't want to have sex with him?"

"What? No. I'm nervous because I'm a virgin and I have no clue what I'm doing and this is important to me and what if he leaves me after-"

"Woah, calm down y/n, he's not gonna leave you just because you're a virgin."

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