their favorite body part

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A/N: hi, I'm brain dead at the moment and the chapter I was writing for today was complete gibberish so here's this instead. (I legitimately said "I don't know what kind of smoke you're cracking" to my father at the allergist today, school killed my brain cells)


- He loves your eyes

- He's completely captivated by them and is constantly complimenting them

- He'll go out of his way to look you in the eyes


- Absolutely loves your smile

- He loves making you laugh and seeing how happy you look when you're with him

- His second favorite would be your waist/hips, that's Where His Hands Go whenever you're together


- He loves your legs

- He particularly likes them wrapped around him but he thinks they always look good

- You in shorts = horny Hawk


- He really likes your neck

- He'll nuzzle into your neck whenever he can

- He's always telling you how good you smell


- She loves your face and how expressive you are

- She has a mental catalogue of all the faces you pull and what they mean

- She can read you like a book


- She loves your ass

- She's not even subtle about it, she'll put her hand in your back pocket whenever she's close enough too

- She'll hug you from behind and pull you into her


- She loves your hands/wrists

- She loves how well you cook and do art and really admires how skilled you are

- Plus hand kisses are hot


- She loves your waist

- Especially how easily she can wrap her arms around you that way

- She gives great hugs because of this


- She loves your lips

- They're just so soft and kissable

- She REALLY likes kissing them

A/N: I hope this all makes sense lol, I think imma go in and add Demetri to the other ones now so there's that but yeah dissecting the brain for my anatomy class completely zapped my ability to think so here's a little blurb I already had the ideas for

Update: sorry for all the notifications, that was me going back and adding Demetri :D

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