The Right Way (Eli) Part TWO of Painfully Obvious

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A/N: Part TWO of Painfully Obvious so it's Eli x Demetri's Sister Reader, I fell asleep editing it so it's a bit late but here it is. Ready to admit your feelings? This picks up right where part one left off so I'd recommend rereading that chapter real quick (I had to reread it several times lmao)

Eli's POV

"Okay man, just don't hurt my sister."

"Hurt y/n? Dude, I would never. She'd probably kick my ass before I could anyways."

"Good answer." He deadpanned and we both lost it and started laughing.

"For real though, I'd never hurt her, you gotta know that."

"I do, I just don't want her to get her heart broken."

POV switch


I had been up in my room all afternoon and I was getting pretty hungry so I decided to go downstairs and see what we could do for dinner since our parents were out tonight.

"DEMETRI" I screamed at him from the top of the stairs before hurdling down them to meet him in the kitchen.

He came running to see what was wrong, "What the fuck y/n?"

"What do you want for dinner?"

"Are you serious right now?"

"I'm always serious about dinner."

"No, I meant why the fuck did you scream for me? You scared the shit out of me."

"How else was I supposed to get your attention from upstairs?"

"Well first off, you could text me, and secondly you could've come down here and gotten me."

"But then I would've had to walk into the living room, and you never answer your phone when you're studying. But back to my point, what do you want for dinner? I was thinking maybe we should just order a pizza."

"Pizza sounds good, do you mind if Eli stays?"

"Nah that's fine, what kind does he want? I'll call the restaurant."

"I dunno, lemme go get him." He walked into the living room and came back with Eli in tow.

"What kind of pizza do you guys want?" I turned to them as I pulled out my phone to call the store.

"I'm fine with whatever." Eli looked uncomfortable to be put on the spot so I nodded.

"Okay, so D, just a pepperoni pizza and some cheesy bread?"

"Yup. Oh, and order some of their cinnamon sticks, those things are amazing."

I nodded and called the pizza place to order our food. They said it would take about half an hour to deliver it so I went and joined the boys in the living room.

"Do you guys wanna watch a movie or something?" I threw myself onto the couch and looked over Eli's shoulder to see what they were building on the floor.

"Y/N, we're busy, go away." Demetri flipped me off and I started to get up.

"Why can't we take a break for an hour or two? I mean the pizza's on its way and we have to eat anyway?" Eli held his hand up to keep me from moving as he looked at my brother.

"Ugh fine, but we're watching a marvel movie."

"Fine by me." I sprawled out on the couch again and they laughed at me.

"Y/n, you have to share the couch."

"Do I though?"


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