Is It Broken?!? (Robby)

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A/N: yesss my favorite of the bois is back! Tysm to @ProjectStardust1 for requesting this <3 extra early chapter in honor of the fact that I didn't leave my house today bc my wisdom teeth holes hurt again

Prompt: y/n just moved to the valley and she gets sarcastic with Robby about the ridiculous karate feud.

Side note, am I the only one who sings that one song from Descendants whenever I have to spell ridiculous????

It was my first full day in the valley and I decided to go skateboarding. I pulled into the parking lot and grabbed my board before hopping out. Once I got into the park I started skating around, occasionally jumping or doing a quick flip. That is until someone crashed into me.

"What the hell dude?"

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, are you okay?" I looked up and saw a blond guy offering his hand to help me up, which I gladly accepted.

"I'm alright, what the fuck was that about?"

"Oh god, uhh I was trying to show Mr. LaRusso a flip but he yelled at me and I got distracted. Are you sure you're okay?"

"A little sore and I'm probably gonna have some bruises but I'll be fine."

"Here, let me grab your board and help you sit down for a minute."

I tried to take a step forward but as soon as I put weight on my left ankle, a sharp pain shot through my body and I fell to the ground. I cried out in pain as I landed on the concrete yet again.

"Holy shit, is your ankle hurt? Can I carry you to the bench so we can get someone to look at it?"

"Yeah," I groaned in pain and he scooped me into his arms and started walking towards the seating area.

"I'm Robby by the way."

"Y/n, nice to meet you."

"Are you new to the valley?"

"Yeah actually, how'd you know?"

"This is gonna sound terrible but you're not sunburnt enough to have lived here long."

I laughed, "Really? That's how you guys figure out who's new?"

"Yup." He grinned and I couldn't tell if he was serious or not.

He gently placed me down on a bench and helped me prop up my ankle.

"I'm gonna go see if the park has anyone on call for medical stuff, I'll be right back."

"Okay," I gritted my teeth in pain as I moved my leg and pain radiated from my ankle again.

After a few minutes I saw him walking towards me with a man in a suit, I was confused because the man didn't look like he worked at the skatepark.

"Hey y/n so there isn't anyone on duty for medical stuff, but you probably can't drive since your right ankle is hurting you so much so I got Mr. LaRusso and if you want we can take you to the ER and get it checked out."

"Okay, let me text my mom to meet us over there."

"Y/n, right?" I nod, "I'm Daniel LaRusso, I'm gonna drive you to the hospital if that's okay?"

"Yeah that's great, I can't walk though."

"I'm sure Robby can carry you a bit further considering it's his fault to begin with." He smiled at me to show he was joking before gesturing for Robby to pick me up again.

Robby carried me to their car and helped me into the backseat, trying to make me as comfortable as possible.

"So Robby tell me a bit about yourself."

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