The Fuckening (Sam & Hawk) Part THREE of Second Chances

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A/N: Part 3 of Second Chances, this is one of the most requested sequels so here ya go, I took several suggestions and combined them all into The Fuckening so enjoy ;D

You were really excited for Sam to take you out on a proper date today. It had been a week since you had gotten together and you hadn't had the time to go out for real. She was taking you to Golf n Stuff and picking you up in half an hour. You were stressed out and frantically trying to find something to wear that was casual enough but also cute. You understood that she'd been your best friend for years and had seen you in most of your outfits but you still wanted to look cute for your first official date.

You heard a car pull into your driveway and you ran to the window and saw it was Sam's car. You threw shoes on and quickly ran out the door to greet her. Sam had been walking up to the door when you jumped on her and she caught you.

"That was one hell of a hello ladybug," Sam chuckled as she put you down, "Am I gonna get this kind of greeting every time or are you just particularly excited?"

"Well I am just really excited but I'm not opposed to being picked up every time," You said just before you gave her a quick kiss and started walking back to her car. Sam drove you to Golf n Stuff and you went inside to the arcade and got some tokens.

"Okay, so what do you want to do first?" You asked her.

"What about skeeball?"
"Awesome, I love that game." You turned to her and smiled as you grabbed her hand and walked over to the machines.

As you were playing you noticed some of the cobras walking in and suddenly you became very nervous,

"Hey Sam, what do you think all the cobra kais are here for?"

"I'm not sure, but it'll be okay y/n, I won't let anything bad happen to you."

"But what if Hawk is here and he tries to hurt me again? Or if he comes after you?"

"That's not gonna happen, but if it does I'll kick his ass."

You smiled as she wrapped her arms around you and kissed the top of your head.

"What the fuck y/n?" you heard a familiar voice ask astonished, you and Sam turned and saw Hawk angrily walking towards you, "What the hell is this? Were you cheating on me or did you just get over me that quickly?"

"I wasn't cheating on you, you broke my heart, remember? I just realized that I hadn't loved you for a while but I do love Sam so why shouldn't we be together?"

"Because I had you first!" Hawk is shouting now and sounds near tears, "you were supposed to be mine."

"Well you fucked that up when you hit me, I was yours Hawk, and until you smacked me in the cafeteria I had no intention of changing that. This is your fault."

Hawk turned to Sam, "how fucking dare you? You stole my girlfriend out from under me, I thought you miyagi dos were pacifists."

"Just because we don't throw the first punch doesn't mean we can't throw them at all," Sam retorted.

"You little bitch," Hawk swung his fist at her and tried to pull you away as you screamed,

"SAM! HELP ME" you started to cry as Hawk pulled you away and you weren't strong enough to resist it.

Sam ran towards you, taking out cobras as she went. She caught up and grabbed your hand to pull you towards her.

"Let go of my girlfriend asshole, you've hurt her enough."

"I love her! More than a pussy like you ever could."

"How fucking dare you."

Sam pulled you from Hawk's grip and then kicked him in the side. Hawk looked furious as he got up and started throwing punches as Sam gracefully dodged and blocked them all. Sam got a few more good hits in, before taking him down and leaving him on the floor.

"Come on y/n, he isn't worth any more of our time." Sam tugged you back towards the machines where you had left your tokens and tickets.

"Are you okay Sam? You look more pissed than I've ever seen."

"I'm just mad that he would dare to lay a hand on you after everything he's done."

"Well just like you promised you kicked his ass and protected me." You wrapped your arms around her waist and kissed her cheek as you held her to you.

"I'm so so sorry that it happened at all, I feel like I should've done more to protect you or something."

"You did protect me, the worst thing that happened is I might have a bruise on my wrist from how hard he grabbed me, I call that a win."

"I just wish that I could've stopped him from being here at all."

"Well we both know that's impossible but it's very sweet of you, let's play a few more rounds and then we can go to the prize counter, what do you think?"

"I think that's a great plan," She smiled and pulled you in for a kiss.

You played a few more rounds until you both had used all your tokens and then you started walking to the prize counter.

"Hey Sam?"

"What's wrong ladybug?"

"I was just wondering if I could stay over at your house tonight, I don't really want to be alone."

"Of course baby, anytime."

After you guys both got a few stuffed animals, you went back out to her car so she could drive you to her house.

"Do you think your dad would let me join his dojo?"

"Yeah, but I thought you hated karate, why the change of heart?"

"I felt so helpless earlier and I never want to feel like that again. He was trying to take me away from you and I couldn't stop it." You started to cry and Sam placed a hand on your thigh.

"Hawk is crazy strong, if he hadn't been so distracted I probably wouldn't have been able to take him down so quickly, it's okay babe. But if you want to join miyagi do, we can talk to my dad tonight."

"That sounds great," you sigh in relief, "I love you Sam, I don't know what I would've done without you after Hawk and I broke up."

"I love you too y/n, and you don't need to worry about what ifs because I'm always here for you."

She turned on the radio and you sang your hearts out as she drove back to her house.

A/N: This is yesterday's chapter, I was editing it at like 2am and fell asleep before I could post it so sorry about that but I hope you liked it and I'll have something else out later

1176 words

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