It Could've Been Worse (Robby) Part TWO of Caught at the Dojo

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A/N: part two of Caught at the Dojo, the conversation with your parents...

You pulled into your driveway seconds after your dad did and all four of you got out of your respective cars and awkwardly shuffled inside.

"Amanda? Can you come into the living room please?" You dad called as soon as he walked in the door.

"What is it Daniel?"

"It seems as though Robby and y/n have been hiding something from us."

"Oh really? Well, what is it you two?"

You grimaced and turned to your mom, "well uh you see Robby and I are kinda together."

"Together? Like a couple?"


"How long?"

"Uhh four months?" you looked at Robby and he nodded in confirmation.

"So just before Robby moved in?"

"Pretty much."

"Why didn't you tell us?"
"I was afraid you wouldn't let him stay here if you knew we were together and he really needed it."

"As much as I respect your reasoning, I cannot condone you hiding something like this from us, especially when both of you live under our roof."

"Thank you Amanda!" your mom glared at your dad and then she continued.

"We're going to have to talk about some ground rules, but that can wait until tomorrow morning after we've ALL had some time to cool off. For now, let's get some dinner and head to bed."

She grabbed your father by the arm and dragged him towards the kitchen, leaving you, Sam, and Robby in the living room.

"Well. I guess that could've been worse you guys." Sam gave you a soft smile and you tried to reciprocate the best you could.

"Yeah, I'm just concerned about whatever they're talking about in the kitchen."

"You don't think they're gonna kick me out, do you?" Robby was clearly upset and you quickly wrapped your arms around his waist and hugged him.

"Of course not, they love you and even my dad isn't mean enough to do that, no matter how upset he is with us."

"Okay, if you're sure."
"I'm sure Robby."

He wrapped his arms around you now and you stood there, holding onto each other until Sam cleared her throat awkwardly.

"Sorry to ruin the moment but do you guys want to go get food or not?"

"I'm soo hungry, what's for dinner?"

"Fuck if I know, mom and dad have been in there whisper yelling and thinking we can't hear them."

You snorted and the three of you walked into the kitchen where your dad was cooking some sort of pasta and your mom was aggressively setting the table.

"Alfredo pasta is almost done kids, you can grab bowls and I think we're all gonna eat on our own tonight." your dad sounded angry, but you complied and grabbed a bowl off the table and a drink from the fridge while you waited on the pasta.

Once the pasta was done, you all served yourselves before splitting off and going your separate ways. You and Robby went out to the patio and sat down by the pool to enjoy the sunset.

"Well, I can't say I'm looking forward to tomorrow but I agree with Sam, it could've gone much worse."

"Easy for you to say, you're their daughter, they don't have any obligation to help me, they've done more for me than I would've ever asked of anyone."

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