Ready As I'll Ever Be Part TWO*

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A/N: continuation of Ready As I'll Ever Be, this picks up right were that one stops and this has the actual smut (you're welcome)

"God, Sam I'm so fucking nervous, what if he changes his mind or doesn't think I'm sexy?"

"Bitch, stop. He adores you, you have that man wrapped around your little finger, he's gonna go crazy when you show him your new lingerie."

"Okay but what if he's too rough or-"

"Let me stop you right there sis, #1: Hawk loves you, and #2: he'd never hurt you, I'm sure he's gonna make you as comfortable as possible and he's not gonna make you do anything you don't want to." Sam pulled into Hawk's driveway and a new wave of panic hit me, "You're gonna be fine y/n, and if you need me to come get you all you have to do is text me, okay?"

"Okay, thanks Sam."

"You got it, now go get yourself a piece of that man sis."

I laughed as I climbed out of her car and walked up the sidewalk to the door. I took a deep breath and then I knocked.

Hawk answered the door and I gasped. He was wearing his hair down for once and I was shocked, I hadn't seen it down since, well since he started going by Hawk.

"Hey babe, wanna come in?"

"Uh yeahh."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong, I'm just surprised. I mean, your hair."

"Oh do you hate it?"

"What? No, I'm just surprised is all."

"Well I decided that since you decided to be vulnerable and tell me about all this, the least I could do is be a bit more vulnerable with you. And that includes letting go of some of my armor. I love you y'know."
"I love you too. I can't believe you took your hair down for me, that means so much, I know how important it is to you so thank you for trusting me so much."

He stepped closer to me, "thank you for trusting me," he leaned down and kissed me and I giggled before wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him closer. In that moment I almost forgot why I was there and it was as if this was just another one of our usual Saturday movie marathons.

He led me into the dining room where there was a dinner that he had obviously made and it looked amazing.

"Wow, you made all this?"

"Yeah, is it okay?"

"Okay? Are you kidding? This is incredible, I had no idea you could cook like this."

I jumped into his arms, kissing him again and he caught me as I wrapped my legs around his waist. After a few moments he put me down and then pulled out my chair, gesturing for me to sit down. We ate dinner and it was wonderful, if I had known he could cook like this before, we would've ordered wayyy less pizza. Is there anything this man can't do? Probably not.

After dinner he leads me into his room where there are rose petals scattered across the bed and the whole room is lit by candles with soft music playing in the background.

"Wow, you did all this for me?"

"Of course I did, I told you, I want our first time to be special too."

We both sat down on his bed and I turned to face him, "I know, I just can't believe anyone would do all this just to make me more comfortable."

"Hey," he said softly, tiling my chin up, "you deserve it. You are an amazing person and you deserve the world. I know you're nervous but if you're still up for it, I'll take the lead but I promise I won't do anything you don't want me to, I want you to feel safe and comfortable. I'll talk you through everything, you don't need to worry about anything."

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