His Badass (Hawk)

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A/N: Holy shit you guys, I did not expect for this book to do so well. I know these types of A/Ns are annoying so I'll keep it short but thank you all so much for continuing to read and vote on this, I can't believe so many people like my writing and my friends who proofread for me can attest to how often I text them freaking out because of some new milestone this book got to. So tysm for reading and voting and sharing, whenever I login to publish my new chapter everyday I'm always shocked at how many more reads I have and how far up the rankings I've gotten.

Also I have very minimal ideas for Hawk so if you want more of him please please please request or just send me prompts and mention Hawk, here's my best attempt so I hope you like it!

My boyfriend Hawk and I are sitting in the restaurant waiting for our food when he took my hand and said, "hey y/n, I'm so fucking happy to be celebrating our 6 month anniversary and the past 6 months with you have been so incredible and I just feel so lucky to have someone like you. I love you so much and I can't wait to celebrate even more anniversaries with you. That said, if you tell anyone I said that I will deny everything because that's pussy shit."

I laughed and squeezed his hand, "I love you too, don't worry baby, your secret's safe with me, I won't tell anyone how mushy you are when you aren't performing for the cobras." He pulled me towards him across the table to meet him halfway for a kiss.

After our food came we spoke less and just enjoyed our meals in each other's company.

"I'm so excited for All Valley this year, I didn't get to compete last year and I want to prove that I'm a badass, y'know?"

"You are a badass y/n, you're gonna kick serious ass at All Valley this year and I for one, cannot wait to watch."

He kissed my hand as he said the last part and I blushed.

After he paid the bill we walked out to his car and he opened the door for me, "My love," he gestured grandly as he helped me into the seat. He drove off quickly and before I knew it we were at the park where he had asked me to go out with him.

"What are we doing here?" I asked, turning to him.

"Well uhh I was hoping to get farther into the park before you asked that so let's take a walk and I'll explain when we get there."

"Okay mystery man."

He kissed me and grabbed my hand, leading me down a trail that was lit only by the scarce street lamps.

He led me down the path and we walked for a solid 15 minutes talking about everything and nothing at the same time. When he finally stopped we were in a clearing and it was so far from the city lights, you could see the stars.

"Oh my god, this is incredible."

"I hoped you would like it."

"Are you kidding? I love it! This is amazing." I turned to look at him but he wasn't where I thought he was. He was on the ground, on one knee? I started to freak out and apparently he could tell because he spoke up quickly.

"Before you lose it, I'm not proposing, we're too young for that. What I am doing is promising that I'll be here for you as long as you'll let me and that I'll love you and stay by your side as long as you want me to. I love you y/n and while we are too young to get married right now, I do want to marry you someday and this is my promise to replace this ring with a wedding ring one day. If you'll have me that is?" He looked up at me, looking hopeful and holding a gorgeous ring.

"Yes, of course, I love you too and I can't think of anyone else I'd rather be with." I sank down to my knees, embracing him and letting him slip the ring on my finger. He kissed me passionately and I gladly reciprocated.

"I thought you said you didn't want anyone to know how mushy you are?"

"Well that is true but I'll gladly take the teasing from the guys just to see that look on your face everyday."

I started to cry, "Babe, you're making me cry, I'm trying to be a badass, remember? This isn't very badass of me."

"You're always a badass, in fact, you're my badass and I love you for it."

He kissed me again, lowering me into the grass and we laid there for what seemed like hours, kissing and looking at the stars.

A/N: much shorter chapter than usual but I hope you enjoyed some gender neutral Hawk fluff and I'll see you tomorrow!

850 words

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