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A/N: I'm skipping around on my list because I can't find some of the original comments so from now on please request chapters in my DMs not the comments. I'm too far behind on my list to go back and find comments from the beginning of February lol.

Request for @SquishyCranberry - foursome with Robby, Hawk, and Miguel

If it wasn't obvious this one is smut y'all

Oh and btw it's a big bed ;)

I was freaking out and didn't know what to do, two of the guys I like just told me that they both like me and said I should probably choose. But, the other guy that I've been in love with for years also told me that he likes me and I don't know what I should do. Argh why does it have to be this difficult??? I don't wanna choose between them, I like them all. What if I didn't choose? I could invite them over for my 'decision' and then be like nevermind I want all three of you. Nah, that's a stupid idea. Unless...? Nah, still a bad plan. But, I'm basically the queen of bad ideas so fuck it.

I shot a quick text to each of the boys explaining that I wanted them all to come over so I could explain my decision. I ran upstairs to take a quick shower to y'know, shave, and since I had an hour and a half I decided to wash my hair too so I could do something with it. I wasn't sure what was going to happen tonight so I shaved everything and when I got out of the shower, I put on my favorite lingerie and a short wrap dress. I dried and curled my hair so it just kind of floated around my shoulders as I walked and when I decided I was done I stood in front of my full length mirror and admired my work.

A few minutes after I had finished getting ready, the doorbell rang and I ran to answer it since no one else was home to open the door. Standing outside my house were two of the three, Hawk and Miguel.

"Hey y/n, so uh what's all this about?" Miguel looked awkward and I blushed a bit.

"Well uh you see, there's still one person who isn't here yet."

"There's someone else coming?" Hawk sounded incredulous.

"Uhm yeah, he told me that he has feelings for me too, so I invited him to come over as well to tell all of you guys at once. Do you guys wanna come in and make yourselves comfortable on the couch?"

They nodded so I let them into my house and walked with them into the living room. They sat down next to each other on the couch and before I could say anything there was a knock on the door.

"I should go get that."

I turned to leave but Hawk grabbed my hand, "Look, I don't know who this other guy is but Miguel and I were talking earlier and we had an idea we wanted to share with you."

"I'd be happy to hear it, after I answer the door."

I slipped out of his grasp and opened the door to see Robby standing there awkwardly. I hugged him and he stumbled back a bit.

"Woah y/n, you're excited to see me."

"Maybe a little," my whole body felt like it was burning from the blush that was spreading, "Come on in, the other guys are already here."

I grabbed his hand and led him into the living room but he froze when he saw Miguel and Hawk sitting on my couch.

"What the hell is Keene doing here?" Hawk looked pissed and I fought the urge to step back.

"I told you, there was a third person who confessed their feelings to me recently, and I wanted to tell all of you my decision at the same time so I could explain it."

"Okay, well what's your decision?" Miguel looked at me intently and I shivered.

"Well uh, oh god this is awkward, nevermind this was a terrible idea- I'm just gonna go upstairs."

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