Prom King Part FOUR

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Mystery POV

I wish Moon would drop the whole prom thing but instead she got Sam in on it too, and now they're both pestering me. It's "prom this" and "prom that" 24/7 around here and I'm sick of it. I'm lonely enough already, I don't need it constantly shoved in my face as my friends talk about their prom dates. I'm happy for them but I just feel like no guy will ever want me. I just wish *redacted by author* felt the same way about me as I feel about him, but that's wishful thinking. He probably has way better options for a prom date. Whatever, I don't need a guy to feel good about myself anyways, that's bullshit. I'm just gonna do some self care and pretend I don't exist on the night of prom, it's better than facing rejection anyways.

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