Pizza (Moon)

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A/N: request for @smartkid212 - valentine's themed: fluffy with some teasing smut and cuddles

You were about to go out to the kitchen to help your girlfriend, Moon, make dinner. She'd insisted that for valentine's day this year, you guys should make dinner together instead of going out. She was prepping the ingredients while you changed out of your work clothes and pulled your hair back so it wouldn't be in the way. Once you were in your comfy clothes you walked out of your bedroom to join her.

You snuck up behind her and wrapped your arms around her waist.

"What are we making?" Moon jumped before laughing and covering your hands with her own. She turned around to talk to you and wrapped her arms around your neck.

"I was thinking we could do homemade pizza."

"Mhmmm that sounds good," you leaned over and gave her a quick kiss before extracting yourself so you could grab the apron she'd bought you to match hers, "What do we need to do first?"
"Well the yeast should be almost done activating, I put it in the water while you were changing since it has to sit for a few minutes. So once it's done we need to add the honey, salt, pepper, oil, and flour and then it needs to rise for about half an hour."

"How much longer until we need to do all that?"

"Like a minute and a half, so how about we start measuring out the other ingredients?"

"You're the boss, how much flour?"

"Uhh about 4 cups. I'll do the other stuff since it doesn't actually use that much."

You stood side by side as you measured out the flour and she measured out the rest while you waited for the yeast to be done.

A minute or two later her timer went off and she added the honey and spices to the yeast and motioned for you to start pouring in the flour.

"Okay so this is the tricky part, you're gonna pour it in slowly while I mix it with the fork, got it?"

"Yup, ready?"

"Yeah, go ahead and start pouring."

You started tipping the bowl of flour into the other bowl as she mixed everything in and once all of the flour was thoroughly mixed in she covered the dough and left it to rise.

"We have half an hour to kill, what should we do?"

"I can think of a few ideas."

"Oh?" She raised her eyebrows at you and you grinned.

"Yup," you placed your hands on her hips and pushed her into the counter, "I missed you while I was at work today."

"Uh huh, and what does that have to do with tonight?"

"Not much," you started leaving slow kisses on her neck, "I just missed you."

"I can tell."

You pressed your hips to hers and continued kissing her neck and jaw as she gripped the counter for support. You finally placed your lips on hers and she eagerly kissed you back, pulling you as close as she could. You tapped on the back of her thighs and she hopped up onto the counter and you moved to stand between her legs. You untied her apron and let it fall to the ground before undoing your own and dropping it as well. Your hands wandered up her shirt and rested on her hips which you slowly massaged as you kissed her. Moon let out a soft moan and pressed against you as best as she would while staying on the counter. You pulled back slightly;

"I thought you didn't like my idea?"

"It's grown on me." She nuzzled into your neck and started leaving soft kisses on your skin.

"We only have maybe 10 minutes until the dough is done so we might want to get out the toppings and stuff."

"Shhh, it can wait."

"No, I'm hungry."

"Ugh. Fine, help me down."

You lifted her by the waist and set her down on her feet. You went to get the cheese and other topping out of the fridge while she cleaned up the mess you had made while making the dough.

Moon took the dough out of the oven and showed you how to knead it and then you both made a mini pizza with your favorite toppings and put them in the oven to bake.

"How long until the pizzas are done?"

"About 10 or so minutes, we should probably clean up our mess though, if you load the dishwasher, I'll wipe down the table and get the plates out."

You went to start loading the dishes into the dishwasher as she put all the toppings back into the fridge and sprayed down the table. You loaded the dishwasher and still had a few minutes left so you helped her set the table and then grabbed drinks for the both of you. Moon took the pizzas out of the oven and you both sat down and ate your mini pizzas (which were very good) and afterwards you went to the living room to watch a movie.

You were laying on the couch with Moon on your stomach, playing with her hair when she looked up at you.

"I had fun tonight."

"I did too, you were right about not going out, this was way better."

"I think so too." she gave you a sleepy smile and nuzzled into your stomach as she pulled the blanket up higher and started to drift off to sleep.

A/N: I went through like 3 chapter names before I actually named this lol, I SUCK at naming things. Hope you liked it! It's a bit different than my usual chapters but I thought it was cute.

Coming Soon:

Hawk x Daniel's Daughter Reader (Part TWO of Shhh)

We Protect Each Other Part TWO

Robby x Reader (Smut) (Part TWO of Leaving You)

Robby x Sam x Reader

Robby x Daniel's Daughter Reader (Part TWO of Caught at The Dojo)

Robby x Sam

Robby x Tory

Miguel x Reader (Smut)

Sam x Tory x Reader

Prom King Part FIVE

Hawk x Reader (Smut) (Part TWO of Ready As I'll Ever Be)

Miguel x Johnny's Daughter Reader

Tory x Reader (Part TWO of She's Mine)

Robby x Miguel x Sam

We have a solid block of Robby content scheduled so if you want to see someone else next be sure to send in prompts! If you think I missed your request let me know and I'll add it asap. I think there was a Demetri request and maybe someone else but I can't find them so if you requested that shoot me a PM

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