20 - Blue & Grey

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AT that same day Yoongi went home an hour past dinner time.

He was too overjoyed he didn't even cared about the time. He met Taehyung, Hoseok's bestfriend and the said male was with Yoongi's bestfriend, Jungkook.

When the clock hit five o'clock Hoseok had to bid his goodbye to go and help the head chef with the dishes that will be served later for the noble family's dinner so he had to leave his boyfriend who's more than happy that Hoseok didn't force him to go home.

Taehyung was a very goofy guy, he never run out of topics to talk about. Maybe that's why Jungkook admitted he wants to visit him while he works at the fruit fields.

There wasn't a minute where there was an awkward silence because the farmer never fail to come up with something that will make them burst out laughing.

So Yoongi went back home with a wide grin plastered on his face, giggling to himself as he remembered some of Taehyung's funny antics.

He didn't even realized he went straight to the front door and not to the back where his room's balcony was located to.

It's too late to come around the mansion because the head maid already saw and called him, "Your family's eating dinner and they were looking for you." She said.

Yoongi just held his chin up, not even sparing the maid a glance.

When he came inside, another maid who was dusting the furnitures spotted him tiptoeing up the stairs. The said maid immediately announced his arrival, causing his father to call for his name to join dinner.

"I'm already full, thank you." Was all the prince answered and he continued on taking a walk back to his bedroom.

Right now he stood in his balcony with Youngjee standing beside him. Both of them are just talking about random things, Yoongi love having the young girl around because she's full of stories to tell and whenever the prince is alone, she's always there to keep him company.

"Ever since our father died, my older brother stood as a father figure to us. He's really selfless, he has made a lot of efforts in helping eomma, I can say I'm really lucky to have a brother with such a heart of gold." Youngjee smiled, her eyes twinkling as she talked about Hoseok.

"Hoseok has been stressing alot these past few months, all he does was to occupy himself with work, he's even denying the day offs because he really wanted to earn money but ever since you became a part of his life, he started living like a normal person."

What Youngjee just said made the older's heart swell for the reason that he's part of the reason why Hoseok's happy.

Their mini storytime session had to end because a knock was heard from the other side of the prince's bedroom door.


"It's your mother." Yoongi heard Chaerin say and after that, she twist open the door knob and walked in, nodding at Youngjee as a sign that the she wanted privacy with him.

The young servant bowed her head, quickly dismissing herself in silence, locking the prince's door as she walked out of the room.

"What's bugging you lately, Yoon?" His mother asked, her heels clicking at every step she took towards her son.

The younger's breath hitch, he didn't know he was being that obvious towards his mother.

"Is it because of the upcoming wedding?" Chaerin added, now placing her hands on Yoongi's shoulder and pulling him closer.

She knows Yoongi will never confess what's he's been feeling so she had to say the first possible reason why her son was being silent and worrisome.

Yoongi nodded against Chaerin's shoulder.

"Yeah? How exactly?"

"I-I'm just overwhelmed, mother. I don't even know if I can see myself with Jiwoo forever and I know she feels the same." Yoongi pouted, feeling emotional tears welling up in his eyes.

"Sugar, you still have plenty of time to get to know eachother, we have plenty of time to prepare because the wedding is nowhere near this year." His mother replied, "Perhaps there's something else that's been bothering my youngest son?"

The said male just hummed in response.

"Mind telling me?"

"I prefer not too. Not yet, maybe." He said.

He's been thinking about coming out to his mother and he knows that he will be accepted no matter what but he still has his doubts and what ifs.

Hopefully, those doubts will soon vanish.


The next day, the prince was called downstairs for an important family breakfast, as Youngjee described it as.

When he reached the dining hall he was surprised his father was sitting there. Because every morning, he usually leave the castle to go to meetings and arrange some stuff Yoongi doesn't care about.

Myungdae sat there with a proud smile in his features, looking as if he think he did something.

"Since our soon to be wedded son is finally here, I think I should go and announce that me and my friend Jang-geun decided to move the wedding a little bit earlier, on December maybe, since the princess said she wanted a winter wedding."

"Wh-What!?" Yoongi stummered out.

"Hun, don't you think that's a little bit early? It's already August and I think we don't have much time to prepare." Chaerin said as she remembered what her son had told her last night.

"Oh Chaerin believe me, we do." Myungdae chuckled as if he was being sarcastic, picking up his fork to stab the steak on his plate.

"No.." Yoongi said, looking down as he shook his head, his heart was beating rapidly and he was tired of feeling something like this.

He's tired of feeling cautious and unsafe in his own house, also tired of feeling hatred towards his own father.

"Let's just stick to the date of March, your son isn't ready." The queen said, having all the confidence to contradict her husband since it was only her family that's in the table.

"I don't see any reason to not be ready. We have plenty of money and that's the end of our discussion, the news is being spread around Korea and it's too late to cancel it."

At that moment Yoongi knew there's no escaping this.


a / n :

sorry for the late updates, my life has been a complicated mess lately 💀💀. hopefully, i can put myself to publish an update tomorrow or the day after it. thank you for reading, have a nice day!! ✨✨

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