23 - Strength & Weakness

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THE NEXT day the prince's happiness couldn't be contained. He was beyond elated, now that him and his boyfriend's emotional bond has taken a bit further.

"Where's father?" The prince asked as soon as he reached the dining area, noticing the king wasn't sitting on his chair and reading today's newspaper.

"Oh your father went out early, he said he needed to go to a meeting at the cityhall." Chaerin answered, smiling at her youngest son and telling him to take a sit across from her.

"You are such in a bright mood, my dear. I hope you don't mind me asking why." The queen added, since it's the only two of them sitting at the dinner table.

"Mhm, nothing." Yoongi shrugged, as if that wide smile formed on his face was nothing. His mother knows him, she's usually the 2nd person to greet him when he wakes up and she never once saw him smiling that wide as soon as he wakes up.

Chaerin just laughed, deciding to just let it pass, "son?"

"Yes, mother?" The prince looked at her as he scooped rice onto his plate.

"I am glad to see you smiling like that. I hope you have finally accepted your marriage with Jiwoo and that thing that's been bothering you is finally gone." His mother said, concerned smile on her face as she pushed her plate away from her as a signal that she's already finished eating.

Yoongi stopped grabbing food for his plate upon hearing the queen's words.

Last night, Hoseok made him forget about his problems.

Hoseok made him forget about the upcoming arranged marriage, thinking as if the farmer is the one he's going to marry. He forgot that his sexuality will never be accepted in the royal family.

Hoseok made him forget about his never-ending negative thoughts about himself and the future.

But now, Chaerin had just triggered it yet again, causing the wide smile on Yoongi's face to drop to a frown. He quickly grabbed food for his plate, along with some fruits.

"Excuse me." The young prince said, he then stood up, and bowed before grabbing his plate full of food and he walked off the dining area and to his room.

He left the queen confused and sad.

He went back to his bedroom where his boyfriend was laying, sleeping peacefully. Yoongi loves seeing his lover in this state, he can watch Hoseok all day long while he is asleep.

The farmer looks so peaceful, it makes Yoongi's heart ache with the thought that he's got this kind of guy. A caring, handsome one. Hoseok always puts him first and he considers thinking about Yoongi before making a decision for himself.

Yoongi could never ask for a better man, he knows that this boyfriend of his will forever be his better man.

The blueberry haired male combed his finger through his lover's hair, he then planted a kiss on his forehead causing Hoseok to flutter his eyes open, as he is a light sleeper, a complete opposite of Yoongi when sleeping.

The sight of the very handsome face was something Hoseok always wants to wake up to, he knew by seeing Yoongi's face at the start of his day will brighten him up 10 times more.

"Goodmorning, love." Hoseok said with a dimpled smile.

"Goodmorning to you too, my love." Yoongi said back with a giggle in his words, "Breakfast is ready."

Hoseok sat up almost immediately, "Really?" He said, his eyes averting its gaze onto the plate placed on the wooden bed table.

It had bacons, eggs, noodles and rice, it was a big plate and it's full enough for the both of them. Along with the plate was fruits, apples and bananas to be exact.

Hoseok felt his tummy grumble at the sight of the food. Usually, he never eats breakfast because he always heads to work and doesn't want to waste his time eating breakfast.

So by seeing the plate of food, it is Hoseok's first time in awhile of eating breakfast and also add the fact that he hasn't had bacon for what seems like forever.

"Wow!" The younger exclaimed as Yoongi placed the small wooden table on his bed.

"That's all for you, Hobi." Yoongi said.

"Aren't you going to eat? I'm not fine with eating this all to myself." Hoseok shook his head with an awkward face.

"It's fine, I can eat later." The older male reassured, urging his boyfriend to eat what the plate contained, "I know how much you skip breakfast and you should know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day."

"My mother say that all the time." Hoseok laughed, playfully rolling his eyes.

"Well if you don't want to eat by yourself I'm gonna have to feed you."

"Then do, your majesty."

Yoongi laughs at his lover, picking up the spoon and fork from the tray, "Here." The prince raised the spoon as a gesture of feeding the younger.

Hoseok finally gave in and let Yoongi feed him. "My turn." The brunet smirked, grabbing the spoon from Yoongi and doing the same thing the prince did to him.

This went on for minutes, Hoseok insisted they share the plate and so they took turns in feeding each other, talking about random things while doing so.

While Yoongi's talking, all Hoseok did was to stare, he still couldn't believe this man was his and he will do anything to be with him 'til the end.


Hoseok snapped from his whipped thoughts when he heard his handsome lover call his name, "Yes?" He answered.

"Remember what I said when we were on the picnic date days ago and last night?" Yoongi asks.

This is it, Yoongi doesn't know what has gotten into him but hopes he won't regret it. He's finally saying the truth.

Hoseok sure as hell remembers every single thing Yoongi told him on their date, especially what happened last night, but he doesn't know what exactly is he pertaining to.

"Yes I do, love. What about it?"

"Well, um.." The prince's voice sounded hesitant and he really was, but he knew his boyfriend needs to know, "My father had already arranged a marriage for me and it's soon.."

The younger's heart felt as if his it shattered into pieces upon hearing Yoongi's words, all his dreams for the both of them broke, he felt his whole body tense and sweat.

"Is.. Is this true, prince?" Hoseok asked.

"Unfortunately, yes."

Hoseok was taken aback. He knew that eventually they will have to face this, but he didn't know it was this soon.

"With who?"

"The princess of Benitia."

Jeon Jungkook's sister.

Hoseok thought.

Now it made sense, seeing Jungkook around the palace all of sudden after years. He rarely comes to visit Yoongi and now it makes sense as to why he's visiting now.

Hoseok couldn't take it, he felt defeated and so he carefully stood up, "I'm sorry, but I need to go." He dismissed himself before walking off and out to the balcony.

After Hoseok disappeared from his sight, Yoongi teared up, this wasn't what he was expecting ; his boyfriend leaving him in the middle of his moment of weakness.

And right after Hoseok had left the prince's room, he finally let go of all the tears that was welling up awhile ago. He can't figure out what to do.

He doesn't know whether to accept or fight the fact but he knew he was weak, and he will never be able to stop it even if he tried.

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