29 - Life & Death

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"YOU GO and fucking make your choice, Min Agust."

Yoongi heard his father's loud voice from his office echoed throughout the hallway and he couldn't help but to feel sympathy for his brother.

Agust heart ached as he read the letter Dawon gave him. It's been a weeks since they left the palace and Agust misses Dawon too much it's hurting his heart.


My happiness couldn't be contained, I took the pregnancy test you gave me this morning, it came out positive. We're going to be parents now, I love you so much.

With love,

Agust teared up, the tear leaving a wet patch on the two month old paper. He reminisced the first time he read it. He was so excited and happy, he started jumping up on his feet and he felt his heart lifting. It's as if every jump he does, he's slowly levitating into the air full of elation.

The news alone made him feel so joyful and now that he's lost Dawon, he felt weak knowing he couldn't look after his pregnant girlfriend.

So he decided what he's gotta do and that's the exact reason why he's standing in front of his father.

"Where the fuck did you take Jung Dawon and her family?" He said with all due frustration as he barged inside the King's office without even feeling the need to knock.

"Agust, where are your manners?"

"I don't have time for that shit, now tell me." He spat, attempting to stare daggers at his own father.

"I don't have anything to tell you, they went away by themselves." Myungdae answered and it angered Agust about how the way he acts, he acts so chill knowing he has something to do with the Jung's disappearance.

"Don't lie to me!" Agust screams, surging forward the king's throne and quickly grabbed him by the collar.

Shocked by his oldest son's action, he punched him, causing him to let go.

Agust laid sideways onto the floor as he winced at the forming bruise planted on his jaw by his father. As he's trying to get up, Myungdae started laughing manically.

"Well then, what if I really sent them away? What are you going to do about it, my son?" Myungdae mocked and laughed only to be shut up by what his son will say.

"I-I will fucking hate you. Forever." Agust murmured, voice shaking.

For Agust, the word "hate" is too strong for him to use on anything unlikely. But now, he can say he hates his father. Despise him to be exact.

Despite how strong of a man Agust is, he will always fear his father. But now, the circumstances are different and his father created a grave mistake that will forever taint his image in Agust's eyes.

"I don't know what went through you and Yoongi's head, I don't know what the fuck that family did to the both of you but you sure did develop the guts to go and disrespect your own father." Myungdae said, his voice was so loud, so thunderous. Agust has angered him too much.

Agust went back up and grabbed his father again, "Please, I need to know where she is, she's.. she's pregnant with my child." He cried and exposed himself in desperation, anger curled hot and unstoppable in his gut.

Agust was too desperate, a scary kind of desperate. He looked as if he can really kill if he will never see his girlfriend again.

"What!?" Myungdae shouts hysterically.

Upon hearing what Agust said, Myungdae's eyes looked dark, he was too angry to the point that it made him look like he can produce thunderstorms.

"Don't you know how much of a shame this will put me? The eldest prince of Esperance got a miserable, poor peasant pregnant? Huh!?" He screams, punching Agust repeatedly.

But Agust was numb, the desperation in his heart was ruling him like a blazing inferno that wanted to burn him from the inside out.

"You are the worst." Agust said, "You-You are the fucking worst!" He cried out.

He's too angry, hopeless and desperate.

His father was the one who made him feel these. He pushed him into feeling hateful. He drove him into doing these unpredictable things. He pushed him into defying his own rules.

"Oh, I really am the worst, Agust and that's not the worst I can do. First, I'm going to make you choose." Myungdae smiled creepily, eyeing his son intently, "You get to visit them because I will let you know where they are right now.."

"But only if Jung Dawon aborts the child." He smirks, a menacing chuckle escaping his lips.

Agust breath hitched, he attempted to tower over his father and punch him again but he stopped himself to listen to what else he will say.

"Or, Jung Dawon's baby gets to live but I will throw you to where they're leaving right now and take off all your privileges. You choose." The King shrugged, crossing his hands waiting for Agust to answer.

"You are crazy!" Agust screams, nostrils flaring, as he points his finger straight at his father's smirking face.

Wishing to kill your future grandchild?

He's really the worse.

"You go and fucking make your choice, Min Agust."

This was Agust's last straw, after what his father said and thought of doing, he can no longer see him as a father.

"Take me to them, I'm not proud to be your son anymore nor you are worthy to be called a father anyway." He finally answered without a single hesitation.

Myungdae just nodded and called his guards.

"Escort Min Agust out of my palace and take him to the peasants' new place. After a week, Announce him dead because of a plane crash on the way to Japan."

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