07 - Confessions & Emotions

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"I REALLY envy you, hyung." Taehyung pouted, shoving the pineapple peels in a plastic bag he had brought for moments like this; eating damaged fruits with his fellow farmer bestfriend.

Don't judge, they loved the sharp taste and over ripeness of the fruit.

"I wish I work in Benitia so I can take my prince Jungkookie on a date too." The lad added as he finished tying the plastic and throwing it to the wheelbarrow.

The older chuckled at that, "You're crazy, it wasn't a date!" Hoseok defended as he pinched the younger's pointed nose, "It's more like me walking him around the market."

"And oh, I need to meet him by the flower fields, he said he have something to tell me~" The older said with teasing in his voice, "I wonder what my prince will say."

"Oh, I know!" Taehyung giggled as he raised a hand infront of his hyung, "Maybe he'll finally confess his feelings since you won't confess to him yourself!"

"Well then fuck." The farmer muttered in realization. "I screwed up really bad, Taehyung."


"He shouldn't be catching feelings! I'm just a farmer after all." Hoseok sighed.

Upon hearing that, the younger scoffed, "You shouldn't let your life put boundaries for your love, hyung. Just because we're poor farmers doesn't mean we're not allowed to love who we wanted." Taehyung said, giving his hyung a fond look as he spoke.

Taehyung is truly a dreamer. Dreaming about endless possibilities where he could meet the love of his life and they could fall in love with each other, he doesn't let his living state stop him, he believes all the stigmas are wrong and he too, believes that one day he could break that stigma.

While Hoseok, no matter how much he loves Yoongi, wouldn't risk being with him because once the people around him found out, he's not just putting himself in danger but his family also.

He couldn't help but think alot of what may happen. They might lose their house, jobs and worse, get killed.

"You've been admiring the prince from afar for years but now that you actually might have a chance, you suddenly start contemplating your life choices?"

Don't get Hoseok wrong, he loves his bestfriend a lot but sometimes his constant nagging and preaching is a handful.

The older brunet groaned as he looked at his wrist watch that was not to mention, cracked, but is still gladly working.

2:43 PM

The farmer looked up, not forgetting him and Yoongi's meet up time, "I need to go and see my prince. I'll see you later, Taehyungie~" Hoseok cooed, ruffling Taehyung's brunet mullet hair.

"Make sure he's your boyfriend when you see me again later!" Taehyung yelled as he watched Hoseok walk away, both of them laughing at the lad's words.


The brunet walked up the small hill where a single Oak tree was located. The special place where him and Yoongi first talked.

He was alone when he reached the tall tree, there was no Min Yoongi present.

Hoseok then sat at the grasses, leaning his back against the Oak tree as he whistled for the cold breeze.

After what felt like hours but in reality it was just in the span of five minutes, the prince had finally arrived.

Hoseok's heart ached, Yoongi looked so handsome.

So impossibly handsome, Hoseok started thinking if he was actually existing.

His blueberry hair was parted at the middle exposing his forehead, his prince outfit was neat and his shoes dazzled under the sunny sky.

"Y-You actually came." The prince said, taking a seat beside the farmer who was still admiring the latter's presence.

"Of course I will come if it means getting to see your beautiful face, your highness."

Not even a minute of being together Hoseok already started complimenting the prince.

"Um, okay." Yoongi nodded with a slight smile, looking at his twiddling fingers as he bites his lips, thinking about telling Hoseok what he's been longing to say.

The prince couldn't sleep too well last night. He was left thinking about Hoseok, how he showed him around the market, how the most affectionate words just exit from his pretty mouth ever so naturally and how the farmer held and kiss his hand like it was something he's used to doing.

The younger's hand fit with his perfectly and he wanted nothing more than to hold his hand forever. It was like a missing puzzle piece that once you found it, you felt relieved that it was the one, fitting perfectly at that empty gap.

So, the prince thought this was the right time to confess; There's no holding back for him.

"I think I like you." He let out.

How those words left rolling out of the prince's mouth, Hoseok felt like his heart stopped beating in his chest and he almost forgot how to breathe.

Was he hearing this right?

"Actually no.." Yoongi shook his head, trying to rephrase the series of words he just said out, "I indeed do like you, Jung Hoseok." The royal added, turning to face the farmer's face with a smile.

Hoseok was left speechless, just examining Yoongi's face for any hint of lies or play, but he couldn't find any.

Hoseok's eyes started to gloss with tears as he just stared at the older's beautiful brown eyes, he couldn't mutter a single word as he was left tongue tied.

"I'm sorry, I just felt like I needed to let you know. You're the first person who acted like this to me, you made me fall for you in just a snap of a—"

The farmer stopped the prince who was about to ramble by caressing his pink tinted cheeks, rubbing his thumb over the skin as he stared fondly at Yoongi, Hoseok's eyes roaming around the prince's face as he appreciated every single feature the royalty had. The farmer didn't even realize a single tear ran down his cheek.

He was emotional.

He was glad to find someone like Yoongi who accepts him for who he was, who befriended him even if he's just a poor person.

And he was glad that the royal return his feelings.

"I like you too, prince." Was all Hoseok answered, both of them smiling in relief as they let out the feelings they've been holding back.


a / n :

the story's just starting ☺️

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