36 - Melodies & Harmony

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THE MIN residence is bright and lively. It's Christmas Eve and everyone are now gathered in their palace to celebrate and welcome Christmas as a family.

The Kims, Jeons and the Mins are currently together in the living room. Their Christmas motif is snow, so everyone's clothes are all in white, all of them looking like they're all angels having a party on the Earth.

Yoongi, Jungkook, and Jimin gathered near the sofa to discuss whatever was on their minds. Namjoon and Yoonji are with the elders, with Yoonji's right hand clutching her husband's—Seokjin's—arms, while Jiwoo remained alone in the corner.

With a couple of sudden loud voices and laughs, the ambience of the living room hall were just right for the blueberry haired prince.

"Everyone, our Seokjin here plays the piano and he would like to play the song he wrote to us, to make this Christmas party memorable." Mr. Kim said, drawing everyone's attention and the conversation they're having coming to a halt.

Seokjin sat in the chair that had been originally positioned in front of the grand piano.

"Actually, my son Yoongi also has a talent in playing the piano. and he used to play it all the time, so maybe when Mr. Seokjin finishes his piece, Yoongi can perform," Myungdae remarked, Chaerin who's standing beside him nodded and gave Yoongi an encouraging look.

It was long ago ever since the last time Yoongi laid his fingers against the piano keys. Ever since Namjoon left him and he became depressed, he forgot his favorite, the piano.

Though hesitant, Yoongi just nodded with a tight lipped smile, he will try.

He will try.

"This song I wrote is called Epiphany," Seokjin explained before launching into his performance, everyone around them clapped.

And there it is, Seokjin started playing and everyone stayed silent to listen.

Seokjin's singing voice gave Yoongi goosebumps as he continued to play, delicate fingers gliding across the piano keys with such ease, and his voice remained steady, as if angels were singing symphonies.

Hearing him play reawakened Yoongi's dying enthusiasm for the piano, and he felt compelled to play as well as his brother in law. But he doesn't have any idea how.

I'm the one I should love in this world
My shining self, my precious soul
I finally realise it So I love me
Though I'm not perfect, I'm so beautiful
I'm the one I should love

Yoongi's eyes welled up with tears, which slowly ran down his cheeks.

I'm the one I should love

Was the final lyric of Seokjin's beautifully crafted song, a masterpiece that jolted Yoongi awake and pushed him to continue his love for the instrument he'd played since he was a child.

When the song concluded, everyone applauded the male, chanting phrases about how great Jin's voice is and how skilled he is.

Yoonji drew her husband away from the piano and gave him a proud discreet kiss, his cheeks stained crimson pink as he bowed at a ninety degree angle.

"I believe it's now your moment to let us hear your music, Yoongi-ssi," Seokjin said, smiling at the apprehensive prince.

Everyone cheered and Jungkook patted Yoongi on the back, whispering a quick goodluck.

And so he made his way to the brown grand piano that was taking up place at the corner of the hall. With his clammy hands, he sat down and huffed.

If he were being completely honest, he would declare he had no idea what he would play. Everything he produced, wrote, and learned vanished from his memory, as if it had never existed, as if he had never really played the piano before.

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