37 - Hoping & Eloping

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TEARS dared to escape the prince's sleepy eyes as he watches the male below him. The mentioned male is smiling while holding a gas lamp as he stared up, the gas lamp is becoming jealous because Hoseok's smile is brighter than it.

Hoseok appears to be the precise definition of a dream, yet Yoongi swears to God he's not a dream.

"What are you doing here, Seokie?" Yoongi inquired. He's glad to see his boyfriend, but he's worried that someone will see him.

Instead of responding, the male below tilted his head left and right to see whether anyone was nearby. There wasn't any; for the guards were already resting.

"Can I climb up?" He asked.

Hoseok swiftly climbed up to the prince's balcony after receiving a short nod from the other, and they were soon face to face.

"I'm not dreaming, it's really you," Yoongi said, blinking as his heart beat increased its phase due to their proximity.

The taller male chuckled and kissed his prince on the lips, the aforementioned melting in his touch. Hoseok's hands was cold, enough to bring shivers all over Yoongi's body.

Hoseok was the first to pull away and said, "I'm sorry I didn't get to write to you, my prince. A friend helped me to get in a ship to reach Esperance. The ship took 3 days to get here, it was fun."

Yoongi pouted and kissed him repeatedly, clutching him hard in the process.

He missed him, together with his soft lips and warm body.

He missed it.

He wishes he gets to kiss him like this everyday, like they used to.

Yoongi was the one to break away after a few seconds of kissing because he remembered something. He approached his vanity, which held a black velvet box.

"Merry Christmas, baby." Yoongi exclaimed as he opened the box in front of his beloved, exposing a beaded bracelet that has "H.O.P.E." beads spelled on it and a single flower bead with rainbow petals dangling from it.

"What is this?" Hoseok's eyes was sparkling as he asked what's the bracelet Yoongi's holding.

"This bracelet is for you because despite everything we've been through, you've remained my hopeful amazing boyfriend, and it makes me happy that someone like you loves me unconditionally," the prince grinned.

"I appreciate you so, so much, Jung Hoseok and so I'm giving you this bracelet as a symbol of my also unconditional love for you. At every rain, there's a rainbow, and a rainbow is as beautiful as the hope itself." He said, while he places the bracelet on his lover's wrist.

Hoseok remained deafeningly silent, taking in every word his partner spoke while trying not to cry. Hoseok's heart aches from everything he says, and although not saying it, he admires his prince. He loves him too and that's something he will never get tired of saying.

"I swear I'll be with you forever," Yoongi sighed, his thumbs caressing Hoseok's hand. "Even if me and Jungkookie fail to come up with a plan and end up getting married, at the end of the day you're still the only man I'll love."

Hoseok only managed to utter, "Elope with me, your highness."

"Wh-what?" Yoongi exclaimed, despite the fact that the younger's words were apparent.

"My heart couldn't bear the loneliness without you, love; I want to be with you forever as well, so let's run away, far away from Esperance, where your father won't be able to find us," he said, both hands reaching for the prince's.

"I want to live a life of freedom with you, and I want you to feel the same way; that's why I came here; I want to take you away."

Yoongi was the one who remained silent this time as he gathered his thoughts and considered the consequences of the risks he was about to take.

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