30 - Broken & Reunited

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THE PRINCE walked out of his bedroom after hearing the commotion from his father's office.

"Escort Min Agust out of my palace and take him to the peasants' new place. After a week, Announce him dead because of a plane crash on the way to Japan."

Yoongi heard his father say and because of that, he ran towards his office only to see the personal guards dragging Agust out.

"No, hyung! You can't leave!" Yoongi cries as he's pulling his brother from the guards' strong grip.

"I-It's okay, Yoongi. I will be fine, I'm finally going to be with Dawon." Agust smiled as he held his younger brother's hands that was pulling his arms. Even if he tried so hard to smile, the pain is still evident in his eyes that was drowning in tears.

"You take care of yourself and don't get into a fight with father anymore, okay? Don't cause him too much stress." He added, voice hoarse and hands was quivering due to him trying hard to stop crying, "I love you, Yoongi. You will still hear from me, I promise you."

The aforementioned male shook his head in disagreement, "No, no please, we can find a way to get Dawon back. This is risky, I may not see you anymore." Yoongi tried to abied but it seems like Agust already made up his mind.

"You will still see me, Yoongi. You know I always keep my promise right? Now stop crying you dummy." Agust tried to force a laugh just to comfort him and raised his thumb to wipe a tear from the crying prince's face.

"Why are you fuckers standing still and not dragging him out? I don't want to see that miscreant ever again!" Myungdae yelled, startling the guards who then continued dragging the now ex-prince out of the palace.

Yoongi looked at his father with dismay and hatred. He never hated his father more than what he's feeling today. Now that it's confirmed that his father was the one who threw the Jung family out of the palace instead of providing them a new home.

But, for what reason?

For whatever reason Yoongi will always hate his father for taking his loved ones away from him.

Youngjee, Agust and Hoseok.

It felt as if he was stuck in corn maze where there is no way out no matter how many times he took a turn, he will always face a dead end.


YOONGI fluttered his eyes open because of the silent sniffles he's been hearing woke him up from his nap. He glanced at the balcony, seeing it's already evening.

He then looked around to see who's been crying and there he saw Yoonji, bawling her eyes out, mascara running down her cheeks as she held the picture frame from Yoongi's vanity.

It was a picture of them three, with Agust standing in the middle from their preteen days. That picture held so many memories of them three.

It was the first time they've served the poor people around the Esperance Palace. They've packed many relief goods just exact to give to the workers.

They received many praising because of that good deed. Also, it was the time where they're a happy family and Yoongi still feels the love of his father.

"Noona?" Yoongi sounded, causing his noona to put the frame back to its original position.

He strutted towards the crying princess and hugged her from behind, "Agust.. I can't believe Agust left us, Yoon." She sniffled, Yoongi could hear the unsteady rhythm of her breath, "He chose his girlfriend over his family."

Yoonji turned around and now hugged her younger brother, burying her head against the crook of the said male's neck.

"I understand that she's pregnant but is this really the solution? No matter how hard I try to understand him I can't, because it's just so unfair that he can do this to his own family. He sacrificed his wealth and family just for a girl." Yoonji then said, a great tremor of sadness washing over her.

"That's how I feel also, noona but Agust-hyung loves her too much he can't let her go, he sees her as his wife. Hyung loves Dawon just as much as you love Jin-hyung." The younger smiled at his sister in attempt of making her understand the situation.

Yoonji nodded knowingly, but for her, she will always miss Agust.

Yoongi's hoping he will get to hear from Agust again, to know how the family of Jung are doing and to see if his father did something dangerous to their lives.


"Your highness? Oh my! Eomma, The Prince is awake!"

Right after Agust gained consciousness Youngjee's shocked voice was the first thing he heard, he tried to sit up and groaned because of how much his back is aching.

He examined the place he's currently in. It was a small, wooden house, a cozy one at that, with a curious Youngjee and Mrs. Jung watching over him.

"Prince, you shouldn't sit up right away, you need to rest your body first. You've been unconscious for a day." Mrs. Jung said, stopping him from the attempt of sitting up "I'm Daeun, their mother." she added with a smile.

Agust smiled weakly and proceeded to reply with a simple, "Hello."

Daeun gave Agust a glass of water to drink before asking her anticipated question,

"If-If you don't mind me asking, your highness, how did you get here? My son Hoseok found your body by the shore the night before yesterday, you were unconscious, you were hurt really bad." Mrs. Jung said, talking about the wounds and bruises the prince has on his body.

Agust then remembered what happened after the guards took him out of the palace. He received endless beatings from the guards as a pay on how much he made the guards struggle and cover for the bad behavior he commited when he used to be a prince which caused him to pass out and for the guards to just dump him near the sea.

A revenge, to be exact.

"I d-decided to be with her." Was the only thing he answered, far from the question Daeun asked.

"That's why I came here, father threw me out. I'm no longer a royalty."

Where's my Dawon?

He asked to himself as he continued to examine the inside of the hut, looking for his girlfriend he's been looking forward to seeing ever since they've separated.


"He's talking about unnie, eomma." Youngjee informs her confused mother.

"You're the one who got my Dawonie pregnant!?" Daeun screamed in shock, standing straight up, eyes of saucers staring intently at the ex royalty.

Mrs. Jung's scream was so loud it caused both Hoseok and Dawon who's outside the house burst inside.

Correction, it was only Hoseok who bursted inside, Dawon just followed calmly after.

And there she was, his Dawon was standing by the door looking as beautiful as ever, Agust also noticed she's now growing a little baby bump.

"You're awake." Dawon sounded with a smile and walked towards him to caress his hair.


a/n :

a happy reunion 🤠🤠 well,,, not for long ;)) jk

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