09 - Hugs & Kisses

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"Guess who finally has a boyfriend!?" That was the first sentence Hoseok had told the fellow farmer as soon as he arrived back the fields.

It is almost 7PM and Hoseok had finished helping the chef with the Min family's dinner. While serving, Yoongi and Hoseok tried to eye each other everytime the farmer pass by as he was setting the dishes on the long table causing both of them to giggle silently and smile widely out of nowhere.

Gladly, no one noticed.

"Really!? Congrats hyung!!" Taehyung cheered, throwing himself towards the elder and hugging him tight, "Now I envy you even more." The latter added with a cute pout.

"Aww, I'm pretty sure you'll find someone soon." Hoseok cooed, ruffling the younger's fluffy brown hair, something he had grown doing. Hoseok loved seeing Taehyung's flustered face whenever he does that.

"Eh." Taehyung just shrugged, taking the older's hand off his hair with a playful glare, "Okay I get that you're finally dating your crush and all but will you please help me with these while you tell me everything.. Did you kiss him?" Taehyung said, wiggling his eyebrows teasingly at his hyung.

Hoseok just laughed, "Not yet, even if I badly wanted to. Maybe he's not yet ready with those kind of intimacy. I can still remember how his body tensed when I caressed his cheeks. Or maybe he's still new with relationships."


After a week, Hoseok and Yoongi had agreed to meet up by the flower fields, Hoseok handing her sister Youngjee a small letter to give to the royal.

'let's meet at our usual spot, my prince. i want to see you :)'

The small paper read.

The week old couple walked through the flower fields hand in hand, laughing to each other's jokes as they took small, slow steps, just basking in the short hour they will spend with each other.

One hour was never enough for them, but to see each other always complete their day.

Hoseok stopped in his tracks to pluck a daisy flower from its stem, tucking it at the prince's ear as he smiled, "So pretty." The farmer gushed, pinching the older's red cheeks.

Yoongi pulled his phone out, looking at himself through the the device's black, sleeping screen, "I can see." The prince giggled as he admired his face.

"I'm glad you knew, darling." Hoseok smiled, snaking his arms around the older's petite waist.


"Yes, my prince?"

"Am.. Am I your first boyfriend?" Yoongi asked hesitantly.

"No." Hoseok let out a breathy laugh, scratching the back of his neck, "When I was still a teen I've had a lot of.. Lovers but its been three years since I had a boyfriend, why?" The farmer asked.

"Nothing I was just asking.." The prince replied as he looked away.

"How about you, your highness?" There the farmer go again with his formality. Everytime those words leave Hoseok's mouth it sounded so sweet and gentle, it makes the prince's heart flutter everytime he hears it.

"I've had a boyfriend before." Yoongi said, both him and Hoseok continued on walking with the younger's right arm around his waist.

By the tone of Yoongi's voice he sounded kind of upset, like what he said was forced that he didn't really want to talk about it.

"You don't need to talk about it to me, sweetheart. If the topic's making you uncomfortable then we can just forget about it, right?" Hoseok cooed, their steps coming into a halt again as he spoke, he took a glance at his wrist watch and saw that he only have 5 minutes left in his break.

"I need to go, prince. My break's over. I'll see you soon?" The farmer said, his sentence coming out more like a question.

"Of course, Hoseok." Yoongi smiled, enveloping his boyfriend in a tight hug.

Hoseok's body was warm and muscular, everytime his strong arms come in contact or wrap themselves around Yoongi, as cliche as it sounds, the prince always felt safe, he felt as if all the worries and problems he has will simply get erased by a simple loving hug from the farmer.

Its the direct definition of home and pure affection.

Something Hoseok never forget was to always hold the prince's hand and place a soft kiss on his knuckles, the gesture alone never failing to give the royal a faint blush on his cute face.


a / n :

sorry if there's plenty of time skips 😬

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