15 - Pressures & Reassurance

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ALL eyes was now shifted to him and waiting for his answer. Those eyes are making him feel like he was in a hot seat and hell, the prince can't even process a single word nor a sentence.

He was never ready for situations like this even if he was informed prior, the pressure will still be accompanying him.

Yoongi felt as if his head was in a guillotine, his peers' gazes boring onto him as if they're all waiting for him to be executed by beheading. That's how bad he's feeling right now.

"Well what do you think, my son?" The king asked, his look was the most intense one in the room.

But, what about Hoseok?

He asked to himself. By the thought of his lover who's completely clueless about his upcoming marriage makes him want to just cry and to run away maybe.

But the prince knew better than that. There'll will be consequences. Consequences that may cause one of them to be..

Nope, he doesn't want to think about that.

"Do you want the wedding to happen at the same day as your birthday?" Myungdae asked once again, almost as if forcing Yoongi to agree with him.

Yoongi just glanced up at his father and to Jiwoo, nodding curtly and trying so hard to hide his hesitance.

He didn't fail.

"Great! I guess it's all set!" Jang-geun exclaimed with a bright smile on his face, clapping happily, "Mark the date!"

Everyone on the table was happy, both Agust and Yoonji suddenly forgetting that their brother was gay and has a boyfriend and also Jungkook, the person who he first came out to, his bestfriend who accepted him first before anyone has a wide grin plastered all over his face as if it wasn't obvious that Yoongi doesn't want any of this to happen.

Yoongi felt hurt, betrayal even. All of his family's words running in his mind like crazy. God, please don't tell him he's going to have a panic attack in this very place, right in front of his graceful family.

"Oh, I'm so excited! I can't wait to finally have grandchildren!" Chaerin exclaimed, cheerfulness obvious in her voice as she clapped her hands together.

Everyone in the table laughed and of course, Yoongi was still dumbfounded, he raised his finger to scratch his earlobes, something he frequently do whenever the situation he's currently in is making him feel uncomfortable or embarrassed.

"Speaking of grandchildren.. Jiwoo, my child, how many children do you want have with your future husband?" King Jang-geun asked the female who's just silently eating, it's been thirty minutes in this table and Yoongi noticed that the princess barely glance up and haven't said a single word.

Yoongi couldn't feel more furious, nothing about this was funny and everything was done without both of their consent.

Heck, his parents didn't even let him know and didn't even ask if he wants to get married or not!

Yoongi chuckled awkwardly, wiping his lips and hands with a napkin, "Let's not pressure the princess, please." He said through his clenching jaw, his voice faltering at the end of his sentence.

For fuck's sake.


The prince stood in his balcony with a broken heart, tears never daring to stop streaming down his face this soon.

After dinner, even though the Jeon family decided to stay for some hours, Yoongi couldn't take everything that he had to run upstairs and let everything out.

He heard the door creak causing him to turn around and he was met by his bestfriend, Jungkook.

"You okay, hyung?" The younger prince asked as soon as he came to Yoongi's view.

"What do you think?" Yoongi laughed with a sniffle, wiping his tears stained cheeks with his sleeves.

"Sorry." Jungkook muttered.

"Why are you sorry?"

"Because our parents only care about money and being 'allies'" Jungkook added, air quoting the word allies as he rolled his eyes.

"You're not at fault, Kookie." Yoongi shook his head as he patted his bestfriend on the back, both of them leaning against the golden railings.

"What are you gonna do about this then?" The younger asked, "I know you'll find ways to stop this since you are very stubborn."

"Hey!" The older prince exclaimed as he heard his bestfriend's words, Jungkook knows him too well.

"What? You know I'm right."

Jungkook is indeed right, the other reason Yoongi decided to stray away from them was to think about ways on how to simply stop this wedding without causing any troubles.

But he can't just say "No father, I don't want to be wedded with the princess." It's not that easy because once his father made up his mind, then everything is already settled and everyone should go by his commands.

Yoongi's the only one who has the guts to disobey his father and let's just say things doesn't always end up better once he chose not to do as what he was told.

Guess that's why you could see him and his King not having that so called special bond like some sons have their father. So, right now he won't oppose nor disobey his father's wants.

But that doesn't mean he won't change his mind anytime.


a / n :

have a nice day everyone! if you see any grammar mistakes please comment it or point it out, im trying to improve my writing. ily <3

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