05 - Sneaking & Forbidden Touches

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YOONGI and Hoseok had been talking for days now, the prince often going to the fields to meet up with Hoseok to talk about their lives endlessly.

The prince was daydreamy. That's why he always finds himself standing by his balcony, his chin placed on his hand as he watched the calming tall grasses swaying along the wind.

"Psst!" The blueberry haired prince got quite startled, snapping him out of his trance. He looked around to search for who was calling him.

"Over here, sweetheart." The voice spoke again with a light chuckle, voice gravelly and satisfying, Yoongi immediately knew who that voice belongs to. He can never forget it.

He looked down from the balcony and there he saw the male standing, heart shaped smile present as he held his straw hat against his broad chest.

Yoongi smiled immediately and gestured for Hoseok to come up. It's completely fine, no one can catch them since the balcony is at the back of the mansion and no guards were roaming around that area.

Hoseok just shook his head, his bright smile not leaving his face for even a second, "How about you come down here, prince?" Hoseok was now the one to gesture the other to climb down.

"Why?" Yoongi queried.

"Well, i want to take you to the market and to somewhere. You said you rarely go out the palace, right? Its my day off today."

Yoongi perked up at the mention of Hoseok taking him out, "Yes, of course! I'll be there in a sec."

"Change to normal clothes first, we can't risk people recognizing you and the news going crazy about it." The younger joked.

Yoongi just nodded, running to his walk in closet and rummaging through piles upon piles of expensive clothes, it kind of took him a long time since he couldn't find any.

Until eventually, his hands came across a thin black long sleeves and khaki shorts, the prince then decided it's going to be the one he's putting on.

Yeah, that's normal, I guess.

The prince thought to himself.

After some minutes, he finally ran to the balcony where he saw Hoseok leaning by a wall, picking at his straw hat as he was humming some sort of a tune.

"I'm ready!" The prince cheered, gummy smile on show as he waved at the handsome man.

Yoongi took his slippers off and threw it at the ground, Hoseok chuckling at that. He then stepped a foot out the balcony, his pale hands gripping the gold railings carefully because one wrong move he will slip and break his body.

Don't worry, Yoongi is a pro at this, he sneaks all the time just so he won't have to cross by the maids and servants asking him endless question to where he is going.

By the second floor, Yoongi stepped a foot by the elevated concrete and finally jumped down to the ground, the water from the grass soaking his bare feet.

"That was a workout." Yoongi laughed and dusted his hands off with a huff, sliding his feet at his sandals that was set at the grass by Hoseok.

"You ready to go, my prince?" Hoseok flashed the most charming smile ever, looking almost like the prince charming in the movies, making Yoongi's heart swell.

And the fact that Hoseok called him his prince was something else and that's where he knew, he had already fell for the younger and there's no way he's ever denying it.

And there's also no way he's going to admit it.

The prince was indeed desperate for love, desperate for handsome boys' attention and affection but he knows he should act like his position, being in a relationship was never easy for someone like him. He's a royalty, which means he needed to be perfect, he's a prince and he should be marrying a princess, or a lady from a rich family.

But he wanted neither of that, he wanted a simple life, where he can love and marry whoever he wants.

"What are you thinking about, your highness?" The taller asked as he noticed the prince zoning out, looking as if he was lost about something.

"N-Nothing." Yoongi smiled, the sun's rays directly shining to his face which made him look ethereal.

"We can't walk through the tall gates, the guards will question us, we can't let my father finding out about me going out like this." The blueberry haired male added, talking about his casual clothes as he tried to stop Hoseok from walking.

"Don't worry, my prince. I've been in the palace since i'm a ten year old and I know my way around here." The brunet whispered, fighting the urge of just holding the royalty by the hand and dragging him to the said exit.

Hoseok made a rule to himself that he should refrain from touching the royalty. Everyone other than a royalty is forbidden to lay a finger on him at the first place, but by Hoseok's reckless actions and mindset, it caused him to touch the prince and even kiss the back of his palm when they first met.

He regrets that and if someone saw that, Hoseok's head might be in a silver platter by now.

Yoongi never failed to notice the sudden lost of contact, he missed it. He just wanted Hoseok to hold the fuck out of his hands, to wrap his muscular arms around his small body and to kiss him, to kiss him on his lips.

Oh how he was longing to feel the farmer's lips on his, he imagined how heavenly it might feel.


a / n :

the market trip will be at the next update. thank u for reading!! <3

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