21 - Can you stay up all night?

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YOONGI'S head perked up as soon as he heard dmall rock thrown towards his balcony's glass doors, it caused him to get up quickly and ran towards it.

He slid open the said door cautiously, then stepped out afterwards.

The person who threw the pebble? The one and only Jung Hoseok.

It's almost midnight and Yoongi needed his boyfriend's company.

With Yoongi's signal, Hoseok quickly climbed up silently and after he did, the prince immediately pulled him into a tight hug.

The taller just chuckled and also wrapped his arms around Yoongi, "You don't seem so excited to see me." Hoseok said sarcastically.

The shorter pulled away from the hug and quickly connected his lips with Hoseok, it was a little aggressive and he was quite hesitant yet he kissed back with the same energy.

It took the taller male seconds before he realized Yoongi was crying, he was tasting his salty tears on his lips as they kissed.

With that, Hoseok cut the kiss immediately and placed both his hands on his boyfriend's shoulder, "What's wrong, Yoongi? Why are you crying?" He asked, extreme concern evident in his voice.

The way Yoongi was crying made Hoseok worry, he looked sad and overwhelmed. There's no way in hell those are happy tears.

The prince just ignored the question and yet went back for another kiss but Hoseok won't let it pass, not until he knows why Yoongi was having sad tears roll down his cheeks.

"Baby answer me please I need to know why you're crying, you look so upset."

With that, the emotion Yoongi was holding back broke, his tears rolled down his face continuously, he let out mere sobs and incoherent phrases.

"Y-You're gonna hate me, you will leave me and I don't want you to leave please, please." He sobbed, burying his face on the crook of Hoseok's neck.

With that Hoseok carried the older male and set him down on his soft bed, "I will never hate you, darling. You can trust me with anything." He said, brushing off the stray bangs on Yoongi's forehead.

"No, no." Yoongi shook his head, his hands then went for the farmer's rough one and intertwined it with his.

Hoseok's hands was calloused due to working in the fields from dusk until dawn, it was heavily flawed yet Yoongi held it like it was made out of glass, like in one wrong move it's gonna shatter into pieces.

"I love you, prince. You need to listen to me. I would never, ever hate you, my love. I treasure you so much you don't know how I will risk my life just for you and for your own safety. So please, baby, tell me what's been bothering you and I believe whatever it is my love for you will never change." Hoseok said, voice as mellow as vanilla, his touch the most comforting Yoongi ever felt.

"What— What if I had to leave you, because my sick of a father wanted me to marry someone who's rich just for his own sake?"

Hoseok's expressions weakened, his hand that Yoongi held slowly slipped away as he processed his lover's words in his head.

"B-But, with who?" Hoseok asked.

"With Jungkook's sister, that's why they came here." Yoongi said. "I don't want it to happen, you're the one who I only wanted to marry."

"I want to marry you too, darling." The younger replied and smiled, leaning forward to plant a soft kiss on Yoongi's forehead, "But this is all just what ifs, right?" He asked once again, making sure that the prince is not trying to tell him something he doesn't want.

Hoseok knows he can't accept it, never in a million times. He wants the prince all to his, for him to marry and for him to be his only husband.

Yoongi felt bad for lying but he had to let Hoseok know soon enough. Tomorrow, maybe.

But not today, he doesn't want to ruin their moment.

Yoongi nodded as if he was so sure that what he said were all jokes and untrue, reassuring his boyfriend.

"Y-Yeah." He remarked.

Hoseok nodded with a slight laugh and used his thumbs to wipe off Yoongi's tear painted cheeks. He can't just say he's feeling hopeless. Knowing Yoongi's father, it's possible something like this could happen but Hoseok's glad it's not true.

Yoongi knows how tired Hoseok is from working 24/7, he does not want to upset him even more.

"Will you kiss me now?" The prince asked. He's anticipating it, he's been missing Hoseok's lips on his.

The farmer then cooed, surging forward to kiss Yoongi with so much passion, both of them quickly melting by eachother's touch.

"I-I want to feel you." Yoongi mumbled between kisses, his legs wrapping around Hoseok's waist to secure him there.

"Please, please touch me everywhere. Make me feel good."


a / n :


i had to end it here <3 let me know ur predictions!!

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