24 - Excitements & Problems

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LATER that day, Hoseok went back to the fields where his bestfriend Taehyung was waiting for him.

"Hyung!!!" Taehyung greeted him with his usual cheerfulness, "I have so many things to tell you!" He excitedly say.

Though weak because of the never ending thoughts running through his mind, the older managed to force a smile and greeted Taehyung, matching his excitement.

"Well then tell me." Hoseok laughed wanting to hear what the younger has to say, now interested. Maybe Taehyung's story will make him forget about his problems for a small while.

"It's about Prince Jungkook."

Now it's getting more interesting.

He thought.

"What about him?" Hoseok asked with a smirk.

"We sorta-kinda kissed yesterday." The younger shrugged, as if he wasn't fantasizing about that kiss since forever.

Now it finally happened, Taehyung couldn't believe it.

"WHAT!?" His hyung screamed in shock, they're escalating quicker than him and Yoongi when they first started dating. These teenagers are reckless.

Taehyung blushed madly, as he can still imagine the way the royalty kissed him.

It was lunch time and Taehyung is yet again left alone in the mini hut by his hyung, the aforementioned male leaving to do his usual routine; hang out with his boyfriend.

Taehyung used to mind it. He used to get all pouty about how much he missed hanging out with his bestfriend during lunch break but now, it's fine for him since he wouldn't have alone times with his crush, Jeon Jungkook.

"Hello there." The latter spoke, startling Taehyung who had just finished his lunch.

"You scared me!" Taehyung rolled his eyes, drinking his water right after.

Jungkook laughed at the pouty male and sat down beside him.

Ever since Jungkook met Taehyung in the fruit fields, he always had this feeling inside of him where he always wants to see the farmer and be with him and talk to him all day about whatever they can ever think of.

So that's why ever since then, he starts visiting the fruit fields everyday just so he can accompany the older and converse with him for hours and hours until they eventually can't think of anything to say.

Jungkook knows he has now developed an attraction to the farmer but he isn't sure if he can pursue it, knowing how bad it will be if he did, especially for Taehyung.

But he also couldn't resist the fact that he wakes up everyday to the thought of visiting the male in the fields. Jungkook never felt an attraction like this for a very long time.

Also, one thing Jungkook couldn't ever resist is kissing Taehyung's lips.

He watches Taehyung as he talks, those soft looking lips upon his soft looking face, he can sit and listen to the older all day and think of him as a blessing sent from heaven.

That's it. Jungkook finally gave in to his urges, he leaned forward and kissed the older.

Taehyung stopped talking because of the pair of lips placed on his, he didn't see this coming and he was in shock.

More likely, froze.

As cliché as it sounds, the farmer felt the whole world stop spinning and the only thing he could ever think of was that heavenly kiss Jungkook placed on his lips.

The prince's lips was soft, it tasted like strawberry which Taehyung assumed was the flavor of his chapstick. He wants to kiss the royalty until the flavor of his strawberry chapstick fades, until his lips tastes nothing but Taehyung's.

Jungkook pulled away, blushing madly as he lets out a awkward laugh.

"I'm happy for you, Taehyung." Hoseok exclaimed, ruffling the younger's hair as he finishes telling his story about his first kiss.

"I still couldn't believe it, hyung. He also confessed how much he likes me ever since we started hanging out..

and his kiss, it felt so amazing. His kiss is nowhere like the kisses in the romantic movies I've watched. He got me captivated by his realness and keeps me awake. I know our love will be the start of our forever. This is exactly how I dreamed our first kiss would be.." Taehyung went on and on about how much he is in love with the younger man and the kiss initiated by the other kept him going.

Hoseok just shook his head and laughed at the words of his bestfriend, the guy talks like he's Romeo, madly in love with his own Juliet.

The older farmer looked down and turned his gaze from afar, realizing that if it wasn't for the arranged marriage of Yoongi and Jungkook's sister, Taehyung wouldn't be this happy.

Taehyung noticed the sudden silence, Hoseok's face when he arrived to the field's awhile ago came back to Taehyung's mind and he remembers how worried the older looked.

"Also hyung, don't act like nothing's been bothering you. Before I greeted you, you looked so sad and now that I've finished my story you looked sad again, I can't let that pass. Did something happen?" Taehyung then asked, wanting to know what made Hoseok look so worried.

The farmer just sighed, not wanting Taehyung to feel bad, "It's not a big deal, Taehyungie. Just relationship problems."

Taehyung nodded slowly, not wanting to interfere with the older's problem anymore further. It doesn't take a while for Hoseok to open up with his problems. After all, he was his best friend and Hoseok tells him almost everything.

So, this problem may be a big deal for the older and he doesn't know why he needs to keep it a secret.

Taehyung just let him be and patted his hyung on the back, "Whatever that is hyung, I'm sure you'll get through it and if you want to vent, I'm here." He said, smiling at his hyung with his significant box smile.

The older smiled back at his friend showing his concern, "Yeah, I hope so."

"Yoongi loves you too much he wouldn't let a small single problem get between you two."

Only if Taehyung knew how much of a problem it is.

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