38 - Lost & Found

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A SHRILL screech escaped from Yoongi's throat as he saw the condition of his boyfriend who's sitting on the ground, palms pressing against his bulleted wound.

"Hoseok!" He cries and immediately ran towards him, "I'm sorry.."

"How dare you enter my property and attempt to kidnap my son!?" Myungdae screamed at Hoseok, who was quivering with agony and fear.

Myungdae took out his geom, a sword with a double edge blade, and pointed it towards the male's throat.

"Father, please do not hurt him!" Yoongi pleaded as he shielded his body from the sharp item aimed at his boyfriend.

"And you, Min Yoongi, you saw what I did to your brother and you still considered disobeying me and preferring to be with these... these peasants!" Exclaimed the King, "Everything you do never fail to disappoint me."

"If it isn't for a guard who stayed awake I wouldn't know about the news that Kim Taehyung and Jung Hoseok wanted to kidnap the princes. You assholes really have the guts, huh?"

Yoongi looked behind him and saw Jungkook crying while hugging Taehyung who's horribly bleeding, "Taehyungie.." He whimpered.

The guards then went to seize both of the princes, removing them from the bleeding men.

"Please do not hurt them, please!" Jungkook screamed while trying to pull Taehyung back.

"Jungkook-ssi.. Your father will be greatly disappointed with this." Myungdae warned as he shook his head side to side.

Jungkook bowed his head in a docile manner, with tears streaming down his face at the prospect of disappointing his father. He doesn't like the thought of it. Because his father is kind and sympathetic, despite the fact that they don't have a close relationship. And he's never seen him become angry, so if he learns about this, Jungkook has no idea what he's capable to do.

The guards continued to fire bullets at the decapitated males, but they made sure to avoid their chest and head. They couldn't kill them unless the King gives them permission.

Yoongi screamed as he watched Taehyung and Hoseok groan and shout curses of agony as they fall flat on their backs from the bullets penetrating their bodies.

He feels as if he's also being fired by the guard's guns too. And if Yoongi couldn't stand the anguish he's feeling just by watching them any longer, how could Hoseok, who was drowning in his own blood?

Seconds passed, a car and a carriage came into their view and from the car, King Janggeun and Prince Jimin stepped out. As soon as Jungkook saw his brother, he attempted but failed to break free from the guard's grasp.

"Kim Taehyung and Jung Hoseok, you are now being imprisoned for trespassing and kidnapping." Myungdae declared, making Yoongi's heart plummet itself to his gut.

No, this can't be.

"Father, please!" Yoongi pleads.

"Enough, Yoongi!" Myungdae remarked, "Arrest them and I want you to torture them to the point they would give up from trying to fight for their life but make sure they're still alive for beheading next week." He commanded to the guards.

By hearing his father's words, Yoongi's surroundings felt as if it came to a blur and slowed down, his ears ringing.

Was he hearing this right?

Will his father really kill Hoseok when he didn't even do anything worthy of ending his life?

"I already spared your life the first time you violated the rules, Jung Hoseok and I'm so sorry to say this but I can't do that to you anymore, along with your companion." The king chuckled, pushing the sword back to the case attached to his trousers.

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