32 - Noblemen and Fishermen

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"YOU have arrived to your destination."

Jungkook stared down at his phone as he zoomed in on the Google maps, displaying the location of the Haeundae sea was located.

They walked inside the wide entrance that said "Haeundae Mart", the wet market in Haeundae where fishes and other seafoods are being sold or transported to larger wet markets in the city.

They're met with several fishermen who they assumed just finished a catch and are now parked by the seashore, some of them carrying full basins of fishes to the huge cargo trucks. There were also vendors calling for them trying to catch for their attention to buy whatever fish they're selling.

This was a poor civilization as they can tell, so the royalties assume they can't be recognized here. But still, they chose to stay low-key incase.

Taehyung, who was holding Jungkook's hands started tugging on the said prince's hand and pointed to a certain direction.

"It's Prince Agust." He said, almost too loud the people around them were so close to hearing.

"SHHH!" All three princes shushed, their pointer fingers flying to the loud farmer's mouth.

"I'm sorry, I was excited! Look!" Taehyung laughed embarrassingly. So then, all four of them looked towards the same direction where Taehyung was pointing.

Min Agust was over there and he's one of the fishermen whose been transporting bins of fishes to the wet market.

The four men walked towards the ex prince, people around them staring, recognizing they're from a rich family.

"Hyung." Yoongi smiled and waved at his hyung he missed so much.

Fishermen around them started whistling, cat calling the four men and joking about how they could really use some of their money and such, talking about their social status.

"Woah, Jaebum, you know them?" One man says after realizing Yoongi's calling for Agust aka "Jaebum"

Agust looked at the four in shock, "O-Oh, th-them!?" He stuttered for he couldn't contain his excitement.

"Oh yeah these are my poor friends! They're just too ambitious they like pretending they're rich or something, yeah Yoon?" Agust laughed awkwardly, elbowing his brother as he emphasized how "poor" they are.

All of them started laughing, "Same, I like to pretend I'm rich sometimes. Like, I act snobby and ignorant towards poor workers." One of the fishermen says and all of them laughed again, including Taehyung and Agust.

But on the other hand, the three princes did not find the joke funny, it was rather offensive offensive for them. They don't know about that little inside joke they have going on, but it's really sounds ignorant for them.

Agust laughed even more upon seeing the three's offended faces and so he slapped the male who said the joke on the head.

"Shut up, Jinyoung. You offended my rich friends!" Agust said sarcastically, causing all of them to burst into fit of laughters still, offending the three princes even more as they rolled their eyes in unison.

"I should get going now, my friends. See you all later!" Agust waved farewell to his co-workers after he received the pay from all the basins of fish they caught.

Two thousand won? That's such a small price to pay for all that hardwork.

Yoongi thought to himself.

He knows how hard it is to catch fish, stay under the sun for hours and carry buckets full of fish just so you can receive a pay of thousand won? Yoongi won't bear to go another day with that money.

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