08 - Overthinking & Risking

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SO WHAT now?

... Should I kiss him?

The prince asked himself as he and Hoseok just smiled to each other after their small, heartfelt confession with eachother's feelings.

Nah, it's probably more romantic if he's the one to kiss me first.

Yoongi thought again. He really liked it when Hoseok's the one in control of everything. Like that one time where he just waited for Hoseok to finally hold his hand, he liked the feeling of surprise and heart fluttering that comes along with the simple action.

"If you're fine with it, we could be boyfriends." Yoongi recommended, taking a hold of Hoseok's hand that was placed on his cheek.

The farmer furrowed his eyebrow.

Of course, he wanted nothing more than to call the prince his. He didn't even expected their friendship to take a turn to something like this. He is still hesitant. He couldn't help his overthinking. 

Because once he agreed on being in a relationship with a royal, it's almost like he's burying half of his body deep into the ground.

"I'm afraid.." Hoseok said with a soft voice as he looked down, taking his hand off the older's cheeks and looked away, anywhere but Yoongi.

The royal looked at him confused, "Why are you afraid, Seokie?" He asked, concern laced in his voice as he shifted closer to the lad, their arms touching.

"I-I don't deserve you, Yoongi."

It was the first time Yoongi heard Hoseok say his name.

It sounded amazing hearing it from him. Usually, he liked it when Hoseok calls him my prince because it sounded like he was someone special, which he really is, but another kind of special.

Like he was Hoseok's.

And please, don't get him started when Hoseok will call him by the endearing pet names.

Fuck, he's just reminding himself of how whipped he was for the farmer.

"I-I'm just a farmer, Yoongi. I can't give you anything. I'm not as rich as you, I'm not a prince. God, I can't even take you on a date in a—"

"Your love is all I'm asking for. Not money, or whatever." Yoongi interrupted him, "Please, Hoseok, we could try." The prince added, voice cracking as he squeezed the lad's hand in reassurance.

"Please?" The older's voice came out in a squeak as he supressed himself from crying.

"But the king—"

"Shh." Yoongi interrupted once again, placing a pointer finger at the farmer's lips, "I will fight for you, I will risk everything for you but for now, this will be a little secret for the two us. Okay? Don't think about the future, Seokie."

Hoseok nodded, pulling the smaller into a tight hug, the prince fitting perfectly between his arms.

The hug was comforting and soft, it felt like Hoseok's arms was made for Yoongi to fit into.

"Then let's try it." Hoseok finally said, scratching the back of Yoongi's head lightly and pulled away, planting a soft kiss on the prince's forehead.


The 12 year old prince ran around the fields, giggling and screaming his bestfriend's name. "Jungkookie stop running!" Yoongi called as he couldn't catch the younger who he was chasing.

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