Chapter 35 (Lilla)

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"This is it! You hear me?" I scream at Justin. "Now get out of my sight!" I take off my sneaker and chuck it at him. He ducks behind a shelf and disappears from view.

"That felt good," I say, turning to Amber. Her mouth is open in shock.

"I'll give you an entire dollar for every hour you stay broken up," she finally says.

"I'll give you one for every minute," Jason adds. He strides over to us and collapses into a chair that looks pretty comfortable.

"Somebody has an attitude today," I say. I begin to browse through the books on the shelf nearest to me. Someone, I don't even know who, needed to go to the bookstore for some reason, and it turned into a small field trip.

"You guys are breaking up every day!" Says Jason. "Why not just end it permanently?"

I open my mouth and am about to think of a comeback when I am interrupted by the sight of Cole and his giant stack of Star Wars books. I have half a mind to push it over and cause chaos.

"Do I even want to know?" I say, gesturing at the books.

"The amount of money you are about to spend is stressing me out," says Jason. "Please tell me you magically have some Canadian gift cards or something."

"There is no magic," says Cole. "Only the Force."

"Well," I say, clapping my hands together with a loud smack. "There is a fine line between having a Star Wars marathon and letting it take over your reality."

Where are those twins? I find Chevel reading a romance novel in a random aisle. I point my finger at her even though it is rude to point.

"Where is Ryan?" I ask, narrowing my eyes.

"The washroom," she replies, her eyes focusing on how my finger is getting closer and closer to her face.

"Okay," I say. "I'm watching you, though." I walk backward just to prove my point. That girl is popping up everywhere, and I'm unsettled by it.

I pound on the bathroom door.

"Occupied," a bored voice replies—definitely Ryan.

"I need to talk to you," I say. I begin to kick the door.

"OCCUPIED!" Ryan yells. I kick the door one last time before trying the handle. Oh, he left it unlocked! That's not my fault.

Thankfully, Ryan is just washing his hands. He yells when he sees me.

"That was crude, Lilla," Ryan says, rolling his eyes. "And you only have one shoe on! Gross!" He sticks his hands under the air drying machine.

"You left it unlocked," I say with a shrug.

"WHAT?" Stupid hand dryer.



We continue to scream at each other until I lose my patience and shove him outside the stupid restroom.

"My hands are wet," he complains.

"Cole thinks Star Wars is real, and it's all your fault," I say in response.

"Jack's fault," he corrects me. "They watch that childish nonsense together."

"But you love Star Wars!" I exclaim, letting the surprise show on my face.

"That was before I fell in love," he explains.

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