Chapter 24 (Bridget)

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"Intervention!" Lilla says as we close up Walrus Pizza for the night. She drags me into the break room and locks the door.

"Bridget has a dilemma," she announces to the other people in the room and proceeds to explain. I'm about to stop her when I realize that I trust Kate, Jemma, and Amber, so it should be fine.

"JJ is uncomfortable with how close you are with Mitchell," Kate tells me.

"How do you know that?" Lilla asks her.

"JJ tells me things," Kate says with a shrug.

"What should I do?" I ask worriedly.

"Bridget," Jemma begins. "I don't think you need to be in a relationship right now."

What? That's crazy! I'm dismayed to see the other girls agree with her.

"That's my decision," I say calmly. I stand up and unlock the door.

"Bridget!" I hear Amber say.

I walk into the dining area to see Andrew Barker sitting on the edge of the stage, holding a journal.

"The witch looked up from her cauldron with a toothless grin," Barker reads.

The employees, who should be busy cleaning the place up, are sitting in rows of chairs in front of the stage. Lilla is going to lose it when she comes in here.

"She was the most ugly being Mitchell had ever seen in his entire life," Barker continues. What in the world?

"The witch said, 'Mitchell, will you go out with me?' She stirred her cauldron anxiously. 'Of course not!' Mitchell informed her in a disgusted tone."

I step closer to hear Barker better.

"The witch's grin transformed into a horrible frown! 'So be it!' She said, cackling evilly. She drew her wand and struck him with a curse. The witch had turned Mitchell into a small green frog! Mitchell tried to speak, but all that came out was a croak. The witch cackled once more. 'Frog legs are my favorite!'"

"That's garbage!" Mitchell yells, standing up from his chair. He stomps over to the stage and rips the notebook out of Barker's hands.

"This is trash!" Mitchell yells, throwing it on the ground and stomping on it.

"But I worked so hard on it!" Barker says innocently.

"But it's trash!" Mitchell snarls. I've never seen him this mad before. He picks the notebook up and walks over to the trash can.

"No!" Evening shouts, almost laughing. "Somebody stop him!"

"Mitchell, stop it!" Jason says, grabbing his cousin's arm.

"Fine!" Mitchell says and tosses it at Barker. "Just know that that is the most garbage story that I have ever heard!" He storms off toward the break room, where the girls are exiting with confused expressions.

"He didn't like it," Barker says, disappointed. Ryan picks up the journal, walks up to Barker, and puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, kid, I liked it," Ryan assures him.

"It shows real promise!" Says Spencer.

"A mighty fine story!" Adds Cade.

"I'll talk to him," I say and head into the break room.

"What was that?" I ask him.

"Barker's stupid trash story," Mitchell answers.

"It wasn't awful," I say cautiously. "He probably meant it to be funny."

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